Pollution is the element of contamination, existed in atmosphere. To live on earth we need three important resources like fresh air, pure water and quality food. In today’s time, two necessities for living being are badly affected by pollution, these are air and water, and due to these, quality of food has also been decreased. Even, this unwanted situation of increased pollution in environment arises by all of us in some different manner.Pollution, whether it is air, land, voice or water, always put bad effect on people’s physical and mental health. Many types of diseases regarding people’s lungs and breath related emerge due to growing air pollution all around. Pollution in water does not only affect human beings but also for birds and animals, it is too harmful and injurious.

Solution for this huge problem of pollution can be found by the equal support and efforts of all people living all around the world. Try to clean your house, society and nation on your first priority. Try to use silent equipment at home for avoiding noise pollution, avoid spreading dust or wastage in your nearby areas, drinking water should be clean and pure. Make a good habit of using toilet and spread awareness among all about its benefit. Water tanks, ponds, rivers should be clean on regular basis. Use of solar or hydro energy should be promoted and in spite of using your personal vehicle, use public transport or car pooling to avoid air pollution which increases due to fossil fuel burning.These were some kind of easy solutions that can be effective for reducing pollution in natural resources of air, water or land.



Profile of Kesar Rana
Kesar Rana  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice article, check mine too