Ambition is a strong desire to do or acheive something in life. As a child the dreams that we develop not always fall into the category of reality. As we mature, we tend to drift towards a more practically acheivable form of the ambition. Some might even forget their ambitions and begin to lead a life that are seemingly satiable.

We would have aspired to become a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, a businessman. But if you are from a typical Indian family then your aim in life, your career choices and your goals are set by your family. Parents have in most cases decided the education qualification that their child needs. So a basic school education is must. That's cpmpletely fine.

What about higher education?

The degree that you must pursue is also decided by your family which is directly influenced by the society (the degree that your society considers as hounourable) , which means we are indirectly influenced by our society.

The ambition that parents fail to acheive is stuffed into the brains of their children. The liking of the child is totally neglected in almost all the situations (you might be one). The trust that they put into the child's confidence is less. Spoon-feeding is not the best way to take care of children. It's okay to let them learn things through experiences.

You can stop your baby from touching a candle, but it does'nt mean that you should stop your baby from learning to walk for fear of falling and hurting.

As an Indian girl child, I feel the necessity of freedom to expression of the thoughts.

To be continued...