Winter means snow, holidays, gifts and Christmas. Winter brings with it the cozy mornings in bed, melting snowflakes, shivering nights and so much more. At the same time, it brings cold, runny nose and dry skin.

No wonder we keep ourselves cooped up at home to protect our skin. As painful as it is to think about the damage, it’s not that hard to give our skin some love. Not with the remedy at our disposal.

Here is the vanity secret for perfect skin during winter!


The rich sweetness of honey not just enhances the texture of cake but also that of ours. Honey is popularly added as the active component of several beauty products due to its moisturizing properties. Being the natural humectant, it helps restoring the moisture back onto the skin.


  • Wash the area with lukewarm water and pat dry.

  • Apply honey as a thin layer and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

  • Wash the honey off with warm water.

Since honey also has anti-ageing properties it helps keep the skin young and supple.


“The plant of immortality”, as the ancient Egyptians called it, Aloe Vera is laden with health benefits that can keep the skin healthy during harsh winters. Since 90% of the plant is water it is a great moisturizer. Apart from that the natural antiseptics in Aloe Vera help keeping the germs at bay.


  • Remove the thorns and the outer leaf using a knife.

  • Apply the Aloe Vera gel directly onto the skin and let it dry.

  • Wash the gel with water.

Along with moisturizing the skin, Aloe Vera also cures chapped skin and prevents aging. Applying Aloe Vera gel prevents skin from the harmful UV rays during winter.


When it comes to whole body care there is no better remedy than coconut oil. Coconut with its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties acts as a perfect skin care product. It can help in healing inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.


  • Massage coconut oil onto the skin slowly until the skin absorbs it.

  • Do not wash off the oil.

Coconut oil also helps in curing cracked heals and chapped lips. Dabbing a little coconut oil around eyes can help in reducing their puffiness. It also helps in protecting our hair from the harsh winter winds.


The universal remedy for any seasonal damage to our skin is water. Yes, water can soothe skin from both external and internal means during the winters. Drinking adequate amount of water keeps skin naturally healthy and glowing. It also keeps the skin hydrated.

In addition to that, a nice warm bath at the end of the day helps the skin to relaxe allowing the skin loosening it as it opens the pores letting the skin to rejuvenate.

With these homemade remedies, winter will be a lot friendlier on skin. Happy snowfights!



Profile of Riya
Riya   •  5y  •  Reply
I personally, love using aloe vera! The original stuff is so good :D Please check out my wrytups as well if you can!