Reasons To Grow Mint In Your Home

Lisha N R
May 05, 2019   •  4 views

Mint is a herb that has got many medicinal values. It has got a pleasant aroma and flavor.Because of it’s cooling property , mint is used in many commercial products such as bath soap, toothpaste, mouthwash etc. If we know about the health benefits of mint ,we cannot avoid growing mint at our home. Also mint is an essential ingredient in our cuisines. Mint has many medicinal values. Mint stimulates digestion. It helps to relieve headaches and nausea.

Mint is a medicine for common cold. The anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties of mint helps in fighting against allergies. Mint also acts a pain reliever due to it's coolinng effects. The aroma it gives to our dishes is awesome. Above all it is very easy to grow mint leaves in your home. You can even grow mint leaves on your windowsill. if you are growing mint leaves in your garden the air around will have a freshness and it can keep the flies away. So why rush to the market , just go and pluck them from your garden fresh and clean.



Profile of Nissi Keerthi
Nissi Keerthi  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice information!