Have you ever felt that you don't have any strength to go further, mentally or physically? Have you ever felt like giving up? Like you are low on confidence ? At these times, when someone says “it's ok”, or “you are doing well”, you feel better.

The amount of boost such words give is immeasurable. When you hear such words, you are motivated, and suddenly everything becomes better. You get the strength you thought you did not have, you forget about giving up, and you regain your confidence. Those words raise your spirit and make you feel better, instantly. So, such motivation has a huge impact.

Reasons why it's important to encourage others:

You definitely know how much valuable encouragement is. If you can encourage others it becomes much more meaningful to you as well as the other person.

When you motivate someone, it makes you happy and gives you positive energy. So, you indirectly encourage yourself as well.

When you are there for someone when they need you, everything becomes better for them. In this process,you also make true friends.

By encouraging people around you, you make your social circle positive and pleasant. To be surrounded by such people, is very good for you. Creating such surroundings is also very good for everyone's mental well being.

In a world where competition is very intense, everyone is constantly under a lot of pressure, and stress to do well. People become selfish and only think about themselves. During such times, appreciating someone’s work and encouraging them, helps them forget about all the stress and enables them to perform them.

How to encourage and motivate yourself ?

Since it is not possible for someone to always motivate you when you are down, you should try to motivate yourself.

Firstly, always believe you can do anything. If something doesn’t turn out the way you want, just give yourself a pat on the back, and tell yourself next time you will definitely do it.

Also, don’t let discouragement into your heart. Only take in constructive criticism, and improve yourself.

Words are sharper than swords:

Words are very powerful. They can either make a life or destroy one. So, be very careful about what you say. People tend to think a lot about what others say about them, even though it is not true. When they hear something discouraging or something negative about themselves, they feel sad and depressed. Also, keep in mind that discouragement and constructive criticism are totally different concepts. Constructive criticism helps you know your shortcomings, without discouraging you, whereas, discouragement is no help to you whatsoever, it only drags you down from doing better.So, choose your words wisely.

