We all have those moments of “just 10 more minutes”, “just 1 more spoonful”, and “just for today”. We decide to be resolute and finish some task, or reach a goal, but end up wavering. You put an alarm, and when it rings the next morning, you turn it off to sleep just for 10 more minutes. You decide to complete your essay days before the deadline, but end up postponing because you have more time until the deadline and watch your favourite TV show. You have to study for an exam, but because your favourite movie is on TV, you watch the movie instead. These kinds of things happen regularly in many people’s lives.

Why do you think such things happen? It is due to lack of self-control. Self-control is the ability to control your behaviour or actions to achieve long-term goals. When you have self-control, you don’t give in to temptation. Without self-control, you can’t achieve your goals, because you keep doing things that keep you from achieving them. You give in to instant pleasures and forget about the bigger picture.

How to improve your self-control?

Set a goal and decide what you have to do to achieve that goal. Every time, you tempted to do something that is not useful to reach your goal, motivate yourself and think of your goal only.

Start with smaller goals, and set one goal at a time. Try to achieve it with all of your willpower. By setting many goals at once, you don’t achieve any of them properly.

Make a plan to achieve your goal. Generally, when we make a plan, we are more inclined to follow it.

Reward yourself, when you reach your targets. In this way, you keep yourself motivated to work towards your goal.

Advantages of self-control:

Since you have willpower and self control, you have better focus and concentration. You can achieve your goals and therefore will be happy with yourself. You have a control over your actions and emotions and hence won’t make any decisions abruptly, without thinking.

You can get rid of your bad habits. It increases your decision making capacity. You stop acting on impulse, and don’t regret about your actions later. Therefore, you lead a happier life, with less regret.

If you learn self-control, you can master anything.


Profile of Likhita S
Likhita S  •  4y  •  Reply
@Chavi @Akshat Thank you
Profile of Chavi Maheshwari.
Chavi Maheshwari.  •  4y  •  Reply
Good one! Check out my articles too
Profile of Akshat
Akshat  •  4y  •  Reply
Nice.... Do check my articles as well