Meditation has a very crucial part to play in the journey of you reaching the maximum potential. A lot of successful people have turned to Meditation in order to enhance their life. A study shows that the people who meditate have a high level of gyrification in their brain, gyrification means the fold in the cortex of your brain and this enhances the number of folds that actually link with the faster processing power of the brain. You are essentially becoming smarter and your brain becoming more faster and active through Meditation. The long term Meditation is linked with more gyrification the more you meditate the more your gyrification the more your processing power.
So essentially you can think of Meditation as some kind of brain workout, where you are enhancing the power of your brain by just meditating for even 10-20 mins per day or more than that it totally up to you. Meditation also changes a certain part of your brain. It increases the size of those part that is linked with happiness, focus, memory formation, learning ability, ability to emphasize. Meditation also reduces stress, anxiety, fear, depression, substance dependence.
The benefit of Meditation is seen only when you meditate every single day and not just for a while. The theory of Meditation is to disconnect yourself from your real life, don't think of so many things just concentrate on one thing that is your own breath. But for an average person(beginner) it is hard to do. You can't just sit at one place and meditate and get disconnect from everything else, obviously, we are going to have a lot of thought in your head but what you need to understand is this all is completely normal it's human nature.
just sit down ideally in a little dark place so you can't get distracted.
fold your legs keep your hand comfortably.
Start to focus on your breath inhale and exhale.
Just keep on doing daily even for 5 mins the key is just to let yourself do this every day.
Meditation will make you feel calmer and relax every time you open your eye after doing it.