The Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day

Lahari Nandipati
Feb 06, 2019   •  8 views

We all know that Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on 14th of February in the name of Christian martyrs Valentine and varied in different places. It is the day to celebrate romance and love.

"Must bid the Morn awake,

Sad Winter now declines,
Each bird doth choose a mate;
This day's Saint Valentine's.
For that good bishop's sake
Get up and let us see
What beauty it shall be
That Fortune us assigns”

But has anyone knows the dark origin and the bloody massacre behind it?
Though no one has pinpointed the exact origin of the day, one good place to start is the ancient rome.

There are many origin stories revolving around the story of valentine but no one is sure about the truth.

But one of the most popular legends is that, back in third century Rome, Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage because he believed single men made better soldiers than those who were pining for lovers back home. Despite the decree, a man named Valentine performed secret marriagesand was jailed for doing so. While awaiting his execution, some say he wrote a love letter arguably the first valentine to his crush.He allegedly signedhis note "from your Valentine."

Some say that this is about the ancient Rome festival called Lupercalia.This festival involves nudity,violence.It is said that in this festival slapping women with strips of goat hide drenched in sacrificial blood is an event.

Yes, you read that right. Ancient people do the darnedest things. The women anyway would allegedly welcomed it.The female goers give their names and the single men can choose one. Thematches would then, get to know about each other.

Lastly, Valentine’s Day is all about love and one should make it a point to spread love around them.T his Valentine’s Day, do something that makes people around you happy and special. You could try to do something for the kids who don't have anyone to care.Similarly, a person can go to a old age home and do something for the old people who also do have anybody left in the world to call their own.

Valentine’s Day is all about showering and expressing your love and doing things that would make someone feel that they are loved. It is all about spreading love.

