Using renewable sources of energy will have a great impact on our nature and saving our natural resources. We can also install some of these. Most used renewable sources of energy are listed below.
You can install these on your rooftops or in your lawn. One square foot of solar panel produce 10 watt power and few square foots of these panels would be enough to provide power to a house. Also governments are giving relaxation on using these solar panels to increse use of renewable sources of energy. But the biggest demerit of these panels are that they work only when sun is up.
A wind turbine produces enough power to light a house. It uses force of wind to rotate a turbine and a dynamo is connected to rotor which produces electricity. A locality can invest in getting a small area and installing these wind mills. If you have enough real estate then you can install them in your personal apartment or bungalow. It also has demerit as it works only when wind is fast enough to rotate the blades.
I think this is the best way of getting renewable energy as it can never stop producing energy. It uses movement of water to produce electricity by rotating turbines. While building this source of energy it can provide employment to many people. Nowadays it's being used by many of the states for energy.
Instead of using electronic water heater we must use solar water heater as unlike electronic water heater it will heat up the water in no time and will save money of used electricity also, isn't that great. It uses heat of sun to heat a reserve of water and then you can use it for every purpose. There are different kinds of solar water heater, all of them has their own advantages and disadvantages so make sure you choose the best.
It might seem very uncommon to hear that this system uses heat from sun to cool your house. It has same principle as of water heat. It uses heat from water to cool down your house and that water can be used for different purposes also so you are doing two things just by one solar heater.
We know that air conditioner uses too much electricity so have this kind of air conditioner can save your money.
These methods were not only benefits us in terms of money but they also help to live a healthy life as no pollution is created unlike burning of coal for production of electricity. Also these items save your money. It provides employment to many people including technicians and the people who install them.