🔷Gratitude : Human beings think and pray about getting the things they want to achieve in their life but they forget to count the things they already have. Being thankful for things we have got makes us realize the importance of those things. Keeping this in mind one must thank to God of everything he has given to us. One should be thankful to our parents and friends who care for us so much. The practice of gratitude would make each one realize that one has got more than our expectation.

🔷Forgiveness : When someone hurts us we develop a feeling of hatred for them. This feeling of hatred is so strong that it starts to impact happiness of our life. Here comes the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t say that one must forgive the person who has hurt us instead it says one should forgive to release the negativity inside us. The hatred in our mind creates negativity which binds us to that bad situation and doesn’t allow us to move on from it while forgiveness makes us to end that situation at that point and to move on happily from it.

🔷Satisfaction: This word may seem small and quite simple but it contains a deeper meaning. Every human being on this earth is struggling daily at every phase of his life just to fulfill his dreams. Everyone wants to achieve happiness in their life but the definition of happiness is different for everybody. All the definition of happiness have a common destination i.e. satisfaction. People are not striving hard for happiness but for getting satisfaction which one may find in living in a big house while other may find in teaching students. One should be satisfied with everything we are getting in our life because that would going to lead us to our happiness.

