Working Of Mind: Mechanism For Thinking

Kavya Choragudi
Mar 22, 2019   •  45 views

Our brain has two aspects when it is functioning, that is,left-brained or right-brained.

These two parts are responsible for how we behave or act during certain tasks.

But, this is how the physical part of our brain is divided. There is more the parameters like what and how we think.

Has it ever happen to you that you are asleep but you wake up on the time you wanted because of some emergency?

Though our consious brain is resting, our subconsious brain acts in these kinds of situations.

Subconsious brain does not understand the difference between reality and imagination.
Gut feelings are the signals sent to your brain from your subconscious mind.
It is said that our subconscious mind is 1 million times more powerful than the conscious mind.
We can access the consious part of our brain quicker that subconsious mind.

