Healthy Calories: Toxins You Should Worry About

Kavya Choragudi
Mar 22, 2019   •  3 views

India is a diverse country and it's Food is as diverse as it is. With each of the 30 states having it's own flavour of tradition, history and variety , the indian cuisine fills it's people"s souls with gratification.

Food being a sense of fulfillment for few, skipping it in the name of dieting has become a habit for many youngsters. Youth these days are more concerned about loosing weight than about being healthy. It's not the calories one has to loose in order to stay fit. It's the fat you should be worried about. Calories are very much important for your body to stay energetic and healthy through out the day.

The calories or the fat produced due to food ingredients like ghee,dry fruits etc are necessary for the body to stay sturdy. Instead, the negative fat derived from the junk food can be termed as harmful or toxic for an individual's body. This unhealthy calories is what you should be worried about which can make you extremely sick.

But people are skipping their meals thinking that less food is proportional to weight loss and opt for a so called junk food diet (eating junk food and loose weight) which has become a trend now a days.

But do you know what happens when you skip your food ? Digestive juices act on your stomach walls causing burning sensation.Your blood sugar goes down resulting in scarsity of glucose that should be consumed by you for proper functioning of your body.

All these reactions makes a person gloomy and worn out.

Hence cutting down the food you eat in a day is not an option to stay fit. Physical activity is a healthier option for fulfilling your desire to stay in shape. Proper physical activities can improve digestion and help you shed unhealthy weight . It also strengthens your muscles, promotes sleep and keeps you active.therefore, one should stop worrying about putting on weight due to food and start cherishing it.

Happy Eating!

