Active Monarchies Around The Globe- 2019

Karunyaa Dhanavathini R
May 21, 2019   •  35 views

Starting from Sargon the Great who was the first king in the world till date, regal ruling prevails constantly. Forms of ruling, culture, region and people have been varying over the period of time. Be it the King of the people or Puppet King of the family, royal families have been on top of the hierarchy from the ancient days.

Royal Families-Representation of the nation

Though it has been depicted as the most esteemed families of the whole world, the members have been in the cross-hairs several times for struggling to keep-up with age old traditions. Irrespective of the exposure and changes in society, Kings, Queens, Prince, Princesses are expected to follow the conventional processes.

  • Considered as the most looked upon families, members of the royal tree carry the weight of responsibility in everything they do

  • Like celebrities they are in close-lens 24*7

  • Royal code for dressing, restricted public gestures, customs passed down for generations are all part of the Your Highness life

  • Naming of new born with their ancestral names preceded by Prince or Princess

  • Scandals are considered as remorseful act for anyone from the royal family

  • Whatever they do, they end up in the headlines on a constant cycle

Current Monarchies (2019)

Beyond various revolutions and changes in governing bodies, there are still 28 monarchies* in the world consisting a network of Kings, Queens, Sultans and Emperors who reign/ rule over 43 countries. (*as of March 2019)

Richest Royals 2019

Among the 28 major networks of royal families around the world, Forbes list of top 6 world's richest royals of 2019 are:

1.Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand — $30 billion
2.Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei — $20 billion
3.Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Former King of Saudi Arabia — $18 billion
4.Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan, Emir of Abu Dhabi — $15 billion
5.Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Emir Sheikh of Dubai — $4 billion
6.Hans Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein — $3.5 billion

Charities, donations, royal parades, family customary functions, royal lifestyle has all been consistently costing these families on a large scale. Their ancestral properties, current business and government tie-ups have contributed to the family's wealth.

Queen Elizabeth II & Family

The British family has been constantly under the radar of public eyes right from the Queen Elizabeth II era from 1947. Media famous Queen Elizabeth II has a net worth of $500 million and not among the top 10 world's richest royal members.

In spite of not being among the wealthiest royal members of the world, the British family gains popularity from their public presence. Drama and controversies has never been less among the whole family. A Statistica survey was conducted in 2018 among the public of Great Britain and other countries. It showed that the British royal family members have been known and loved more by the public compared to other royals.

Complete family tree of Queen Elizabeth II has been vastly branched out to cover the regions around their reign. Their family news has been constantly updated by the social media websites and results to be the most renowned monarchy in the world.

*Family portrait of British royal members

Another fact about the British royal family is that they are related to the royal families of Sweden, Russia and few other European monarchs. It was achieved in the early 19th century by England under the political mind of Queen Victoria.

*Swedish Royal Family 2019

Living with certain set of rules and orthodox responsibilities throughout is a great honor to carry along with the fame. Major of the royal families prefer low-key profile for their safety and secrecy to private life. As celebrities, they too have their advantages and disadvantages of being in the limelight.

Carrying the family name their entire life is substantial for every single royal member !

