Treat Failure Like A Scientist

Jyotika Yadav
Mar 24, 2019   •  3 views

When a scientist runs an experiment ,there are all kind of results that could happen. Some result may be positive and some may be negative. Each result is a piece of data that can ultimately lead to an answer. And that is exactly how scientist treat failure as another data with useful point . This is totally different how society often talks about failure. Failure of oftenly judges the person. Feeling a test means you are not smart enough. Feeling to get fit means you are undesirable.

But for the scientist a negative result , does not indicate that they are bad scientist . Rather they think it is a source of learning something along the way. Your failure can help you to lead the right answer.

Failure will always be part of your growth if you are focused on learning a new skill of any type then you are basically experimenting in one way or another. And if you run enough experiments , then sometimes you are going to get negative result .

There is a scope of redefining what failure and success mean in science. If we will take failure the same way as scientist take it then failure will be the path for success.

“Failure is the cost you pay on the way to be Right”

