Innocence is the quality of being virtuous, naive and potentially harmless. Foolishness is to lack the judgment, inability to see through a superficial face.

In this world of vice, greed, and narcissism the real question is, 'how much innocence is too much?'.

Malicious men lurk around the naive, just like wolves prowl towards a defenseless doe. With each person trying to fulfill his agenda, the one to reach the finish line first wins the race, the 'how' part of it seldom matters. In all these races, there is always that innocent person who goes off-track to assist others, forgives the ones who pushed him to take the lead, believes all that he was told, and showers trust benevolently. It is hard to identify such a person as a fool or an innocent.

Nonetheless, all of us love these innocent people. We call them good friends; the unblemished, true humans. And why not? It is a privilege to have a supportive friend, genuinely happy for your success, who wouldn't turn on you, unless provoked. But again, if this naive friend is impetuous and docile would you call him 'extremely' innocent or foolish?

You remember that child in class who would lend you a pencil so readily, sometimes the only one he had; the one who would voluntarily get a dozen more water bottles filled besides his own; the one whose homework would be passed around the entire class, free to be copied; the one who was all good about touché. But all he received in return of his kindness was 'Thanks dude!' or 'Bro fill my bottle too please!' or maybe he was scolded for copying homework from others as his book was checked the last.

It is difficult for this child to accept that others are simply using him, while for them he is an easy, convincible chap to get their motives accomplished.

There is a fine line between innocence and folly. It is innocence to forgive, help and be truthful; it is folly to continue doing so at the expense of yourself. While everyone is building monuments of success, why throw down your tools and rush to the aid of someone who missed a step; knowing he wouldn't wait for you untill you get back to work?

Just like they instruct in airplanes, while in a dire situation, put on your oxygen mask first and then assist others.

No one would come to serve you respect, opportunities or acknowledgment. You need to make sure that you duly receive them. Sometimes, it is necessary to say 'NO' and put your interests before those of others.

Innocent hearts are the ones that still keep up the spirit of goodness, but it is necessary for them to protect themselves!

Anything in excess is hazardous. A balanced, moderate equation is better, isn't it? Read my article 'Black or White: The need for Moderation'

