Homeschooling is a progressive movement in the United States and around the country over the last ten years, in which parents instead of sending their childrens to private or public schools they choose to educate them at home. Parents choose to home school for variety of reasons which includes dissatisfaction with the terms and conditions of educational options, religious beliefs and no-progression within school structure. Also more than two million children being home schooled in the U.S thus, home schooling is legal in many foreign countries.

Why parents should homeschool their childrens:
1. Control on curriculum:
According to the child’s learning ability and style, one can choose the curriculum that includes self-made materials and tools to make learning easier by making it more personalized for them.

2. Negative school environment:
As kids get older, parents are more concerned about bullying, incidents like teasing, steal food or money, use of abusive languages, physical harm which lead to lower grades and self-esteem, depression and more. Thus, home schooling eliminates this fear and other problems kids face nowadays.

3. Higher quality education:
Dissatisfaction with academic instruction, many parents believe quality of education has declined. With less resources and crowded classrooms, it has become difficult for teachers to give instruction to each students. Thus, parents can supplement their children’s learning by able to use a state approved curriculum and additional lessons.

4. My home, my values:
We live in a time where information is at our fingertips, as one wouldn’t be able to shield their child from knowledge which is beyond social-emotional development level. So what if parents are ‘over-protective’ or ‘sheltering’ their child just to preserve the joy and innocence of childhood before life becomes hard.

5. Supporting disabled childrens:
Childrens with learning disabilities or handicaps need specialized instructions to learn, thus gives flexibility as a parent to make sure your child has best of knowledge they need.

Advantages/Disadvantages of home schooling:
Ø Advantages:
•Determining children’s schooling schedule and curriculum
•Adapting best suiting teaching methods
•Shelter childrens from violence, drugs and other negative behavioural surroundings
•Spend extra time helping cover difficult concepts
Ø Disadvantages:
•children become restless and misbehave
•Handle the difficulties of moving slower than public schools
•Speak with other people home schooling their children to get more idea
•Spending large amount of money on books and materials

Home schooling in not for every parent, thus parents unprepared or unwilling should avoid it. Thus, it can be stressfull but also rewarding.

