Now-a-days, there are various skincare products like face masks, night creams, lotions,etc. But in my opinion these products cannot help you in the long run for making your skin radiant and fresh. The skin needs to be healed from within and only using these products will not be enough. Here are 4 full proof ways in which you can improve your skin naturally.

1) Water

Even though people complain and crib a lot that this shows no results, I myself have found that drinking water can improve your skin. In these busy times you can't keep a watch on how and when you drink water, it is difficult to follow the rules like drink water after one hour of finishing your meal,etc. I suggest you try to increase your water consumption by replacing your morning tea or coffee with herbal tea or green tea. Always keep a water bottle besides you because we are all too busy to get up and get it from the kitchen. Whenever you are thirsty, stop whatever you are doing and go get yourself some water as lack of water in your body causes dehydration which leads to wrinkles.

2. Vegetables

People don't like vegetables, most of them prefer junk food. I like vegetables very much, but for those who don't there are a few ways which will help you avoid junk food and eat vegetables more often. You can make vegetable soup which is not only tasty but healthy. You can add lots of vegetables to your pasta, and you can use brown pasta instead of white. Vegetables like brocolli, zucchini, bell pepper can make your pasta extra delicious. Another way is to eat sandwiches, susbstituting your white bread with brown bread. You can add lots of tomatoes and cucumbers in your sandwich. Salads are the healthiest and tastiest substitute for junk food. You can mix whichever vegetables you prefer and add a little salt and pepper and voila your salad is ready. Vegetables contain antioxidants and vitamin C which helps our skin as well as our body.

3. Sleep

A good night's sleep can work wonders on your skin. Sleep is essential as it is involves in repairing of heart and blood vessels. 8 hours sleep can improve your metabolism. Sleep deprivation causes appetite irregulaties due to which you sometimes eat way more and sometimes feel like not eating anything. Getting a good night's sleep tremendously helps to clear up your skin. Lack of sleep affects the moisture levels of your skin. All the problems caused by the lack of sleep affect your skin in one way or the other. Hence it is very important you give proper rest to your body.

4. Meditation

15 minutes of meditation is all you need. Meditation calms your mind, it enhances your brain, it helps your body and mind to relax. During meditation, pranayama helps repair your body tissues and cells thus giving your skin a fresh and youthful glow. The increased oxygen rejuvenates your mind and body thus improving your skin. Stress is one of the reasons why we have bad skin as it wreaks havoc on our skin. Meditation kills stress and thus it directly affects your skin in a good way.

