He didn’t care even if it defied the logic. Life is a coin. The coin had two sides either dead or alive. He tossed the coin upwards in the rain and watched it flipping over. His destiny is in his hands now.

He started walking, the walk towards himself. The demons ruled over him. You don’t know you are encountering a demon when you meet it for the first time. Will only get to know it’s something different which you haven’t encountered before. You need to get closer to the demon to realize you fell for the gambit. Now it boils down to who will make the last move.

He kneeled in the rain and stared at each lonely raindrop hanging onto him. These are the rare moments where you will be able to hear silence. The symphony of silence takes you the memory lane. The sudden burst of lightning brought him back to the present.

It was time for the last move, the demon asked only two questions.

  1. Who are you?

    • My choices.

  2. Any last wish?

    • Another choice.


He opened his hand, tears fell parallel to the raindrops towards the death side of the coin. The second chance at life is also coming to an end.

