7 Simple Ways To Be Happy In Life

The Scarecrow
Apr 07, 2019   •  73 views

Can you relate to the time when you felt like no one cares for you, no one loves you? Life seemed meaningless and living pointless. When you have touched the rock bottom. Your back has hit the wall, you are cornered. Well, seems like this feeling is pretty common in India. Politicians may claim that we are moving towards a better world, the United Nation’s WorldHappiness Report says otherwise. Last year, India was ranked133 among 156 countries. This year, even worse, it dropped to 140( less than Pakistan and Bangladesh!)

There are many problems in India like poverty and joblessness that needs years to be solved. But there are little problems like stress and anxiety and family pressure, peer pressure, relationship issues that are hindering your way of happiness. Here is the simple solution for being happy:

1.Smile at people

By people I mean the people you know. Don’t smile at random strangers. That is creepy. Trust me a smile can do wonders. Next time you meet an acquaintance smile brightly at them, maybe ask how they have been. Not only will it uplift your day, but the person you smile at will also feel better.

2.Be in touch with the people you care about

Don’t try to be a weeping philosopher and go living alone in the mountains. Humans are social beings after all. Talking to people is very important. People won’t come to you unless you approach them. You may be a very unsocial person but try to be in touch with the people who have a positive influence on your life. For example, call a friend with whom you haven’t spoken in a while.

3.Plan a surprise

It always feels good when you do good for someone. Planning a surprise for a friends birthday may be a good example. The precious look on your friend’s face can make your day. The same feeling comes when you help someone. But I don't recommend doing a friend’s assignment as helping.

4.Don’t expect from people

This is the real key to happiness. If you can stop expecting from people you won’t be unhappy when they disappoint you. This is one of the principles of Buddhism which is tough to achieve but if you master it, you are set for life. This does not apply in the work field though (if your employee isn’t meeting your expectations fire him).

5.Believe in yourself

Nothing will change unless you change yourself. Try to have an optimistic approach to life. Never think low of yourself because when you do the world will too.


Exercise releases endorphin, a hormone that makes people feel positive and happy. Also after a few weeks when the results of your hard work start showing you will definitely be happy.

7.Travel and shop

Coco Chanel had said -“The best things in life are free but the second best things are very, very expensive”. So to some extent money can bring you happiness. Imagine the feeling of owning a dress by your favorite designer or watching a starry night sky from the top of a mountain. Well, less expensive things like watching a movie can help too.

8.Keep your self busy

Though it is good to do nothing sometimes, being idle for a long time can be a problem. An idle mind is prone to overthinking and thus churning out very complex and unreasonable thoughts often leading to depression. So the best thing to do is keep yourself busy. How about finish all the seasons of Game of Thrones before the final season starts in April.

On a side note, irregularity in your menstural cycle can also cause depression. In that case see a doctor.

Hey! Want to know more about how to be happy? Follow my on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jayeeta__paul/



Profile of Nissi Keerthi
Nissi Keerthi  •  5y  •  Reply
OMG!!This article sounds like a therapy!! Gonna follow these steps...