Many of you out there in some point of your life must have thought of going back in time and change some mistakes you've done in the past or go into the future and see what you're going to become and how the future looks.

So is time travel possible? If time travel is possible how can we do it or why haven't we done it yet? what will be consequences?

Time travel is a concept or theory in which movement between time, compared to movement between an object and human, using an imaginary device known as the Time Machine.

Time travel is a popular concept in movies, philosophy, and fiction. The idea of time travel was first introduced by H. G. Wells in his novel The Time Machine in 1895.

Theoretically, time travel in the future is much easier than going back to the past. It is very uncertain that if time travel in the past is even possible.

In today's Physics traveling in time has very limited support. Time travel is mainly related to Quantum mechanics or with Wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges.

Wormholes are imaginary warped space-time which has 2 doorways connected with each other. One door is in the present and if you enter a wormhole the other door may lead you to the future or to the past.

According to current theories on the nature of wormholes, construction of a traversable wormhole would require the existence of a substance with negative energy, often referred to as "exotic matter". More technically, the wormhole space-time requires a distribution of energy that violates various energy conditions, such as the null energy condition along with the weak, strong, and dominant energy conditions.

Well time travel is not that impossible as the astronauts in the international space station are living 0.62 seconds ahead in the future than us.

Another way of traveling in the future is with the help of a black hole.

According to Stephen Hawkings If man ever makes a spaceship which can handle the gravitational pull of a black hole and circles around the edges of a black hole for let's take 10 years and returns to earth he will see that he is 20 years ahead in the future.

For example, if he left earth when he was 20 years old and his friend was also 20 years old, by the time he returns from circling the edge of the black hole, on earth, he will be 30 years old but his friend will be 50 years old,this is because of the gravitational pull around the black hole is so strong that time itself gets slow around it.

So, in the present, time travel may not be possible but who knows maybe in the future someone invents the cool time machine that was in the movie back to the future.

Anything is possible, just keep thinking and keep inventing.

