Suicide is becoming very common these days amongst all sections of society and age groups.This deleberate attempt to kill oneself can have various causes and simulations .This phenomenan has been studied by various sociologists over a period of time and in various countries .For example ,it has been observed that men have a higher tendency to suicide than women and peaceful societies see a higher rates of such demises than war stricken societies.Let us look into the various kinds of suicides categorized by Emile Durkheim, an eminent sociologist.


When an individual is excessively intergrated with societies and is very loyal to social norms,they find their own life a hindrance to the society.For eg martyrs give up their life for the country in a war because of patriotism.They put others before themselves .


When the personality of a person is in conflict with the group,they find no meaning in social goals.By suiciding the person asserts his individuality .There is a lack of integration and attachment with the society.


This is the kind of stuff that was found in Europe in ancient Greece and Rome where slaves were denied basic humanitarian treatment and excessive regulation that forced them to kill themselves.This is no longer existent as slavery has perished .


When society fails to control individuals due to lack of norms or contradictory norms it creates opposing tendencies.These can occur due to sudden changes.For eg when a business fails and a person becomes poor from rich suddenly.They are not able to follow the rules of poverty and hence kill themselves.

Suicidal thoughts can be very impulsive and are very common.They generally evolve during the most vulnerable and weakest phase of our life.People often resort to smoking,alcohol and drugs to have a more lighter mood .Except this helps only temporarily and can rather lead to more chronic problems.

Every individual goes something completely devastating that shatters them to bits at some point of their lives .It is here that the idea of healing stressed.Healing as a journey doesn't take place overnight ,it's a long and challenging phase that can go on for years.We have to understand that we can't control the way we feel but we can definitely divert and control it positively.This can be done by observing the thoughts that cross our mind through meditation .We have to learn to fall in love with ourselves and let go of our past.This can only happen when we acknowledge and respect our strengths as well as limitations .

