I have been to several hill stations so far, but 'Kodaikanal,The Princess of Hills' stays forever close to my heart. Situated 2000 metres above the sea level, is this small town gifted with lots of nature's best creations.It lies in Tamilnadu, within the range of Palani hills, hence the Palani temple is often first visited on the way to Kodaikanal.There are two routes to reach Kodaikanal,either through Batlagundu (close to Madurai) , where is there is barely any hairpin bends, or through Palani, with almost twenty-one hairpin bends which seems to be the riskiest and a thrilling one too.

The widely spread Pine forests, tall Eucalyptus trees , and the most popular Kurinji flowers constitute the flora , while the bisons,wild monkeys and wild boars constitute the fauna of the region.Giant bisons are often spotted in and around the town.Habitants of Kodaikanal include native tamillians,SriLankan tamillians,Tibetians as well as Malayalees .

There are lots to see in this beautiful hill station, but most of the tourists usually just go around the lake and visit the Suicide point(the present,Green Valley View),another list of places to visit include:

1) Pillar rock

It lies very close to the Green valley, and is another peak point which is often filled with tourits and is the best location for sightseeing.

2)Devil's Kitchen

It is the well known Guna Caves, which is also a very dangerous one , where many movies have been shot.

3)Moir point

This again lies between Pillar rock and the Berijam lake, offering the best view for photographers .

4)Coaker's Walk

It lies in the town itself, where people usually take walks and enjoy the atmosphere.

5)Bear Shola falls

As any other falls , this one is active during the rainy season, and is the best picnic spot.

6)Berijam lake

Lying away from the town area , here is another attraction which goes usually unnoticed by most of the tourists.

7)Solar Observatory Musuem

It is one of the very old places of Kodaikanal, existing since the place was discovered, consisting of various scientific evidences from different regions , around the world.

8)Kurinji Andavar temple

It is just one of the temples in Kodaikanal and the most popular one there, being close to the area where the Kurinji flowers bloom, which happens only once in 12 years.

9)Poomparai & Kavunji village

This is another wide spread spot usually goes unnoticed by the tourists, but offers another range of vegetable cultivation .

Flower show

At Kodaikanal is another attraction,which actually takes place in the month of May, by the end, which is a 3 day show.An average tourist spends about INR 10,000 in this beautiful town.

All these can be visited by staying there, cool home stays, good resorts and hotels with their travel desk arrange an amazing experience for the tourists.The Observatory here is the highest point in the hill station.

I was lucky enough to spend my four years of schooling there, to experience the beauty of nature , the wonderful climate there, those hailstones and the lovely breeze.

Stay in Kodaikanal can be easily booked and arranged through the modern apps like Airbnb app , in an easy way .The link is given below:




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