"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" as mentioned in the Bible. So basically the universe began with the Word. As per Wikipedia "Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity". We have the opportunity to use this force beneficially to encourage others or violently to make others feel discouraged. Really, words are powerful. They have the power to heal, to care, to help, to be humble or else to humiliate, to harm, or to hurt. It depends on how you use it. Words are something which can't be taken back once told. They can be forgiven but not forgotten, so be careful of each and every word that you use.

We may consider it as just a word having no importance but they are mightier than the sword. They even have the power to kill a person. So choose your word wisely. We should discipline ourselves to speak in a way that encourages and shows that we respect others opinion and feelings. Always take a few moments to think before you react to any kind of situations. It may help you stop feeling bad or guilty about it later.

The first impression says a lot about you, but it’s just a temporary one, whereas your way of talking to others creates a permanent impression about you in their heart forever. We all maybe knowledgeable but what matters the most is how we present it to others. There are certain tips to improve your way of communication.

Always choose your words carefully. Usage of wrong words brings a bad impression about your character to others. Always speak the truth, avoid exaggeration, and be consistent in what you say. Most importantly don't use words which insult or belittle anybody.

Every time you speak negative things about others, your life gets a little more negative. Every time you speak positive things, your life gets a little stronger. The words you speak not only influence people around you but also change you as a person. It is coming from you so it defines and characterizes who you are. Every time try to say something positive about yourself so that the belief in you grows stronger. This would help you to do something extraordinary. It helps you to become mentally strong. So always choose your words bravely, carefully. Always speak from your heart, and show that you really care and respect others. In this way you will be respecting yourself also

