"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole" by Roger S.Caras, writer and a preservationist. Dogs are the lovable creature on the world who loves you more than he love himself. They love you unconditional just matter of the fact you take care of them. The purest soul on the earth who will be happy and waiting for your return to play with him/her. Who can't love these amazing creatures who wags its tail with its heart unlike human beings.
May be it can be a obsession or a fascination. Whatever it is most of the dogs we love it have is pedigreed breeds. Its proven pedigreed puppies are breed to behaviour. This means easy to train, easy to keep. But people not only wish for pedigreed breed but specially the European and American breeds. The dogs we are familiar with are Dalmatian, German shepherd, the Pug or the Saint Bernard which are influenced by the media. But totally forgotten about the Indian breeds which so powerful than all these dogs. And even the people who are owning these dogs said they didn't even know them until they saw in TV. Because of our modern thought the only ones suffer is these poor Indian breed dogs. Nowadays breeds that originate and developed in India started to deplete in counts. We modern attitude thinkers are the main reason for all these things. The fame of international breeds leads to extinct of some Indian breeds. The sad reality is that most of the Indians don't know about the Indian dogs and its ability because of their craze over the international breeds. Let see some of the Indian breeds.
The kombai is usually tan and red brown usually black muzzle where it's height and length are mostly equal. This is a terrier like dog breed found in south India. It is considered as most loyal, intelligent and powerful native breed. These may seen lazy and sleepy but in seconds they become alert. In early as 9th century these are used to hunt bison, deer and even tiger and lion. Now a days these are used to guard houses and farms. The jaws are wider and much stronger as well. In recent days these are found only in specific kennels and its numbers are reduced a lot.
This is an Indian guard dog developed in Rajapalayam region in Tamil Nadhu. The most prized look is the milky-white coat with pink nose. It was believed that they were used to fight against British Cavalry in few battles. These are very fast, strong and aggressive in attacking the opponents. It was the companion of the royalty and aristocracy in Southern India. Four commemorative postage stamps were issued on 9th January 2005 one among that is Rajapalayam whose face value is 15000. Lately these dogs are used by the Indian army as guard along the Kashmir border.
The chippiparai is a sighthound breed of dog from south of India. It is a robust animal needing little or no veterinary care. Primarily use for hunting wild bear, deer,t iger and hare. Also a wonderful watch dog used to guard the houses . It was kept as a symbol of royalty and dignity mostly in Tirunelveli and Madurai rulers.