Smart Classes Should Be More Prevelant In Education Industry

Hitisha Agrawal
Mar 16, 2019   •  0 views

I believe that use of technology such as pojectors and interactive screens should be increased,especially in the context of learning

centres. I wholly believe that the author is correct.
The ensuring body paragraphs are an elaboration of the aforementioned view.

In the first place, smart classes enable better learning. This is because these classes involve learning through audio

visual aids, which impact the memory of students ina better manner. An instantiation of this can be seen by taking into

consideration surveys which capture the effect of both types of classes.For example,in certain concepts of mathematics, figures are very important;the teacher may be unable to draw these diagrams

properly,thus causing an impediment in learning. On the other hand, using a computer-based design would allow the teacher to explain all parts

of the diagram, since it would be well-made.

Furthermore,smart classes wuold enable classes to be conducted remotely. this would allow students to increase their attendence, while studying

from the comfort of their home,or a library.For example, if a lecture on physics is being conducted at a particular center.a message would be

sent to all enrollments to inform them about the same.This would allow them to login to their systems and study from anywhere.Not only would this

help in saving money. butit would also optimise learning time.students woud not haveto wait for the teachers to be free and doubts can be

solved at any point of the day. nowadays even the onlin apps like byju's provide 24*7 doubt solving session

thank you

