Washing the face is considered a necessary step on one's daily skin care routine because if skin glows you grow. Here are some common mistakes that maybe we do while washing out face:

(Fact-o-fact- Face skin is considered really sensitive which we should handle with care).

1. While washing your face your hands should be always clean and washed. Dirty hands mean washing your face with dirty water.

2. Never ever use soaps for washing face, soaps are very harsh for the sensitive skin on the face. It makes the skin super dry and flaky.

3. Never ever use cleansers, scrubs and manuals exfoliators (removal of dead skin cells) makes skin look very dull.

4. The length of time one lathers to wash his or her face does not correlate with how well you cleanse your face. Excessive scrubbing and lathering can lead to the irritated and red skin.

5. There's a myth that says that washing face from too hot water opens your skin pores and washing face from too cold water closers your skin pores. It's the biggest lie of all time! Skin pores don't depend on it. We should use warm water always. Using too hot or too cold water for washing delicates skin can remove its natural moisture which makes the veins visible on the face and makes the skin look dry.

6. Washing face more than twice is really irrelevant. Ideally, we should wash our face in the morning after waking up and in the night before getting to bed. Washing face too much can lead the skin to produce extra oil.

7. Never clean your face with a thick towel always use a soft cotton cloth.

So, we suggest you be extra concerned about your skin and follow these steps always.

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Sam  •  4y  •  Reply
i wrote on skincare too, check it out here------https://wrytin.com/samridhi2/stop-torturing-your-skin-jwcd0l3k