“The war between being and nothingness is the underlying illness of the twentieth century. Boredom slays more of existence than war.– Norman Mailer”

When we have work we tend to find time to relax but when we don’t have any work or things to keep ourselves busy we tend to find ways to keep ourselves busy. It’s good to keep yourself busy. Keeping yourself helps to eradicate many illness in life.

1.Pursue your hobby- Everyone who grow up takes a job are always busy completing assignments and earning money and leave behind their hobbies. Whenever you get time purse your hobby that you left behind, you will feel refreshed and happy at the same time.

2.Make a list of things that were left pending- When we are often over loaded with work we try to push something’s for later work and then we even forget those things if they are not important. So try remembering such things and make a list out of it and one by one finish it off.

3.Exercise- The least important thing for a human if exercise in front of office work, so we tend to avoid it. But you can always exercise when you are free. There is no harm in keeping yourself fit and taking care of yourself a little bit.

4.Read novels- Reading novels help you relax your mind and even gives you knowledge as well. It even refreshes you mind and divert it.

5.Clean your house- We often have things in our house to clean like the windows, cupboards, filling up the documents properly, washing the washrooms, and so on.

6.Family time- You can spend quality time with family, help them in their work, take them out on a small trip.

7.Shopping- We are always short of clothes if you are working, go out with family or friends and find some new clothes to outshine. Even you can go shopping for household daily need things like grocery shopping.

8.Learn an instrument- You can always find time to learn some good musical instrument of your choice. It will help you calm your mind.

9.Meditate- Doing mediation help you relax your mind, improve concentration, and focus, and even help you to attain inner peace.

“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.– Dorothy Parker”



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Simran Chopra  •  5y  •  Reply
Very nice