The beginning was the same as always

Celebrations everywhere

Travelling, Meeting, Parties

Everything was usual, ordinary, monotonous

Nobody knew what was coming

Virus was only a distant news




Humans were still the same

Travelling was still the same

Meetings happened everywhere





Something was amiss....




Something travelled

Was neither a human nor an animal

Something which became a worldwide nightmare

A virus

Name was different

More dangerous than saying Voldemort

People felt weird

A piece of cloth tied around their mouths

Stuck in their houses, under lockdown

The entire world was shutdown

Nothing moved

Yet something moved

A thing which changed the entire routine of the present human race

Not a single person spared

Hospitals were overflowing with patients




Governments shook, people trembled

Is the world still the same?

Questions piling up

Asked by people who had no idea

Unsure answers by people who had no idea

Assumptions were at a raise, theories were laid down like roads, blame games all around

But no answers




People gained time

People lost against time

People reconnected with their loved ones

People lost their loved ones

People found ways to earn

People lost their means to survive

Ironies everywhere




Life became monotonous again

Same routine everyday at home

Yet, something was amiss

It was not like living

It was like surviving

A game without a final level




The virus became known but still unknown

Something happened

Change was at a rise

Even before we knew about it




People trying to get back to their normal lives

Online sessions, classes, offices

All the big rooms with tables and chairs turned into 20 inches' screens

The new normal? 🤔🤔🤔

You may say so




The year ended

An year of survival for most of them

How did you pass by 2020?

We were in our homes

No clue about the dates or time

2020, were you even there?

