Oh, If you could at least charge my silence with a word Unsaid !

The things we live for, the little bits and pieces of joy and smiles lie in the midst of sorrow and pain. When we come across all of it we realise in the end that this is all worth it. The Silence that resides after a storm swaps with us the secrets of a million life times. The Whispers of the breeze in our ears swap with us the stories as old as time.

There are sorrowful times when I end my words with "I Love you" when I mean something a lot more than that. The words that are left unsaid will show you the depth of my wounds and the scars of my past. But who loves Demons and Darkness. Hence they are better left unsaid.

There are needy times when I trail of after "I need you" when I mean something a lot more than that. The words that are left unsaid will tell you the desires of my heart and the endless quests of my life. But who needs broken promises and empty assurances. Hence they are better left unsaid.

There are these humbling times when I break off with a "I miss You" when I mean something a lot more than that. The words that are left unsaid will walk you through my empty nights and hollow smiles. But who wishes to see the frowns behind the smiles. Hence they are better left unsaid.

There are these Nowhere moments when I can't get out anything more than "Don't Go" when I mean something a lot more than that. The words that are left unsaid will let you know the number of times I had to pick up and put back together pieces of my heart only to have it shattered all over again. But who loves scars and complications. Hence they are better left unsaid.

There are these pitiful times when I trail off after "Just Stay" when I mean something a lot more than that. The words that are left unsaid will walk you through my sleepless nights and nightmares. But who wants to see the tears in a Clown's eyes. Hence they are better left unsaid.

When there comes a day when an April walks the earth with neither buds nor blossoms, call for me, for that will be the day I shall mean " I Love You" without ever saying it.

When there comes a day when time has stopped, wait for me, for that will be the day I shall say "I need you" without you knowing it.

When there comes a day when Air is not all and you stop believing what your fingers do not touch, look for me, for that will be the day I shall say "I Miss You" without really saying it.

When there comes a day when Trees walk the earth, shout for me, for that will be the day when I shall mean "Don't Go" without making it sound like a plea.

When there comes a day when Sun decides to sleep in and never wake up, come find me, for that will be the day I shall say "Just Stay" and mean it.

I have had my share of Spring, yet I have not.

I have had my stroll with time, yet I have not.

I have had enough of air, yet I have not.

I have outlived my stay, yet I have not.

I have done my share of words, yet I have not.

For those words that are left unsaid show you the parts of me that I want to be left unknown. When there comes a time when our conversation of looks and silence is interrupted by words spoken out loud, come for me, for that shall be the day I shall mean " You have all of me" without really saying it.



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