Money is the biggest motivator of people in the workplace. Money brings many things. “We can’t live without money in the present world.” our day starts with spending money for our daily routine stuff. we need to earn money, to fulfill our basic needs and luxuries, the way we spent money is directly proportional to how much we are earning, money is the one which is not having a life but still, it gives life to someone. Money is not only a useful but also a harmful one ,even though its a nonliving thing, sometimes it gives life to someone and takes some others life.
Nowadays people giving respect, not about the job they are doing its all about how much they are earning, money plays a major role at work because it pays for their work, for their time, for their presence, for their capabilities, for their abilities, for their knowledge and many more.we encourage our employees by giving rewardsfor what they are doing , their performance, their passion, because it’s a kind of an encouragement we are giving to them for their work it makes them work more.
It will make them work even better, everyone in this world will be fascinated about money, because it is essential for them to live a respectful life in this society. We need to ensure that the person is capable of doing the work, whether he worth the reward are not.
According to human psychology, we will do something if we believe that we will get profit for doing it, whether it may in the form of reward,money, the promotion etc.we will do it. For every human being on this earth need money to survive and fulfil his desires.For every employee it boosts up his confidence, once any person is fascinated amount making money he will fight for it unless until he gets it. Money is the best motivator for every one, everyone wants to live their life even better from day to day, this reason makes them work even harder to earn more money ,it keeps the person stand by his work which makes the person workaholic, for companies they need employees who are workaholics, so that they can produce more production, people's lifeends with working hard and earning money .
"Motivated On Necessary Energy Yields"
I feel that money, the biggest motivator for working people.