Education plays a very crucial role in one’s life. Interestingly, the educational institutions have changed overtime. In ancient times, there were Gurukulas where everything was taught to the students and now there are schools and colleges. It is significant to know that today nobody can even imagine to start and end the learning phase of their lives in the school only. Every high school lad thinks about his upcoming college days and is very excited about them. It’s just that a new phase of adulthood begins with college.

The very first day of college was doom for me. College is a new world in itself. No restrictions, no care, only self-worth. People admire those who are somehow extraordinary and cheerful. Happiness gets lost somewhere in this rat race we call life. It might be the stress for a future or career plans. Young kids find college life a luxurious experience for the freedom it gives. On the contrary, I was bashed to the ground. I was unable to sense any harmony and fellowship in the air. It was choking me. Also, I didn’t have any smartphone with me to indulge my whole being into it. So, I was expecting some smiling faces and hands to join for friendship. I saw people chatting and busy on Netflix (a trending app these days). It was tedious to sit among people who are not even interested to be acquainted. The college building was a dreamy freedom but I felt trapped. I am not anti-social. It’s just that you can’t clap with one hand. I drowned myself into the inferiority complex.

High school memories started to rekindle inside me. My life slowed down. “To improve is to change, to be prefect is to change often” is a popular saying by Winston Churchill. There is no denying the fact that life is dynamic and you have to be utterly adaptable to enjoy that change. College was bullying me everyday and I could not retaliate. It made me submissive. On the other hand, I could not negate the fact that it has given me a voice of my own. I had the loudest voice out there. When there was no one, a change happened within me that made me to stand up and find my space in this existing phenomena. It made me a brighter and better human being. It was truly a course for my thriving aspirations. It’s not about changes that happen but how you adapt to them. Life is just a game where you’ll get easy as well as difficult stages. All you need to do is push yourself to the hardest. You cannot be satisfied with the achievements you get while being in your comfort zone.

