Phobias are exaggerated fear which is scary for someone and completely irrational for others. And phobias can lead to couple of other behavioral disorders also like anxiety, nausa, hot flushes or chills. People can develop a phobia of almost anything which cause avoidance, panics and it is a common type of anxiety disorder. The most common type of phobias include the fear of height and close room.

Types of Phobias

1. Bibliophobia: Fear of Reading

The fear is unusual phobia of books but it also includes the fear of reading, reading out loud or in public. This fear can differ from person to person as some people may experience fear of textbooks or history books, rather than the fear of all books, the person can also experience the Metrophobia or the fear of poetry.

The symptoms include difficulty in the simple act of reading, holding a book or being around the books this causes anxiety and nervousness.

2. Eleutherophobia: Fear of Freedom

The person having this fear is a follower rather than a leader because of his dependency on other people for decision making. The causes can be external like the traumatic event caused by taking a wrong decision or internal that is it might be genetic or heredity.

The symptoms are irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, shortness of breath and shaking.

3. Somniphobia: Fear of Sleep

The people with this phobia experience extreme anxiety and fear about the thought of going to the bed.People may also experience frequent sleep paralysis, nightmares and they are insomniac. The person having Somniphobia can't entirely avoid sleeping and the sleep at night are not very restful and they may wake up frequently in between and have trouble getting back to sleep. Some people even use different methods for coping like leaving lights on or music for distraction and sometimes alcohol consumption.

The symptoms include: tightness in chest, nausea, panic attacks, irritability or mood swings.

4. Telephonophobia/Phonophobia: Fear of calls

This phobia is a type of social phobia where a person fears to take Or make a phone call. The people with this phobia may feel comfortable in interacting directly as face-to-face interaction may help them to read other person's non-verbal language but people with social anxiety are more comfortable in interacting on calls.

The symptoms are: shortness of breath, hesitation to make or to receive a call and racing heart.

5. Siderophobia: Fear of stars

The siderophobia is the exaggerated fear of stars. Who doesn't enjoy the stargazing of a clear night sky but people with this phobia avoid to the gaze of the night sky and will either draw the curtains or will simply try to find work to keep themselves distracted from things which are beyond their control.

The symptoms are: panic attacks, excessive sweating or the feeling of losing your mind.

All the above mentioned phobias might sound weird but they do exists. But treatments can help people to overcome their fears.

