“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”.

A leader is the one who guides or supervise a group of people or organization. The word leadership may vary from person to person, in different things, and in different situations. For example, leaders of a political party, a team leader, a community leader, a religious leader, etc. 3

To be an effective leader, one should possess these traits –

• Know your team members

Before working with people, a leader should know his or her members. Only names do not matter but when you know them deeply it creates a sense of attachment. For example, what is their position? What project they are working on? Where do they live? What are their dreams? Getting to know them more personally makes them feel comfortable with the leader and even increases the respect.

• Treat everyone equally

Do not compare your team with other team or a member of your group with other members, as this may hamper the self- esteem of a person and lower his or her confidence. Insulting or scolding a member in front of others can also lead to hatred towards the leader.It is also important for the leader to keep a check on each and every person of the group that no member of the group is discriminating or disrespecting the other member.

• Be motivated

A good leader should always be motivated. If a leader is motivated then only he or she can influence others. A leader should have the ability to inspire others. For example, while working on a project, a leader should be enthusiastic, as this is the best way to gain support. If a leader is energetic then automatically the team becomes active too.

• Create an encouraging perception

Creating perception for future provides direction, sets an aim, priorities things and aware of the responsibility, so that your team can achieve what they wanted to achieve. For example- convincing and persuading. A convincing vision is one that individuals can see, feel, comprehend, and grasp. An effective leader gives a rich picture of what the future will look like when their dreams have been figured out. Telling inspiring stories and explaining visions that everyone can relate to, fires up the team.

• Appreciate people

Everybody wants to be appreciated and valued. Everybody needs to be esteemed. It is basic, that as a leader to give your kin credit and acknowledgment for the things your group members do. One reason why individuals leave work is on the grounds that they feel undervalued and unappreciated. A good leader never ought to assume the praise for the work that their group does. A decent leader is a liberal chief who perceives individuals.

• Do not misuse your power

Becoming a leader does not mean to display of authority. A leader should keep his or her ego aside and work as a team member of a group. You will have individuals in your group who have huge accomplishments. They may get another degree, or a certification, or proceed onward to another position. One of the greatest compliments one can get as a leader is to have one of your own groups of people to a superior chance. Be glad, not desirous.

So next time, when you become a leader or you already a leader then do keep these things in mind because leadership is not about a title or designation but to impact, influence and inspire.

