V is a statically types programming language.V is like C you have to mention the type of the variables once you have set it into one datatype you cannot change it.V is a programming language which was inspired from Rust and GO.The syntax of V programming language is similar to GO and it's simple to. The Memory management of V is similar to that of rust programming language.

A new statically typed compiled programming language, known as V language has been open sourced recently by its creator Alex Medvednikov. According to Medvednikov, the language is designed for building maintainable software. It is a simple language and is similar to the Go language and is inspired by Rust, Swift, and Oberon languages. This was good news but many people don't know about this language.

Why learn V language?

Compilation time

V can compile 1.2 million lines of code per second per CPU. Many people think that C and C++ are the fastest programming languages but it's not because the compilation speed of C is 100k lines per second per CPU that is very slow compared to V programming language. There are many problems and complaints regarding this language but it may be rectified soon

Comparison of V with other languages

Fast compilation Go, Delphi

Simplicity & maintainability Go

Great performance on par with C and zero cost C interop C, C++, Delphi, Rust, Nim, Zig

Safety (immutability, no null, option types, free from data races) Rust

Easy concurrency Go

Easy cross compilation Go

Compile time code generation Zig


It has been seen that V is fast as C language.It compiles to native binaries without any dependencies. Its build time is 0.4 seconds and the author tries to bring in to 0.15 seconds at the end of this year.


It does not support null, undefined and global variables.It is an Ideal language.


It has been seen that V needs less time and memory to run compared to Java, C, Python, etc. The entire programming language and the library is just 0.4 MB that is 400 KB.


It can be easily converted into C and C++ code and vice versa. It has lots of inbuilt library for graphics.

Declaration of Variables

In V, variables are declared and initialized with “:=” while “=” is used for assigning or to change the value of the variable. This is the only way to declare variables in V which means that the variables will always have an initial value. Unlike most other programming languages, the language V only allows defining variables in functions.


Unlike switch and break statements in C and C++, this language does not require the break statement at the end of every block

To know more about V check the official website of V


