The Art Of Getting What You Want

Charmy Patel
Jun 04, 2019   •  65 views

From the very first day of starting something new, we set a goal in our mind and we are so motivated that we tell ourselves that you know the man you can get it and you’re capable of it. But what happens when time passes is that we lose our interest, concentration, and dedication to the thing or goal we set our mind to and we fail to achieve it. Due to failure, we lose hope of ever getting it and we are left with low self-esteem.

So the internet is overflowing with quotes that motivate you for achieving your goals but what about the ways. Everyone is different and so everyone needs a different style of doing it. Here are some most reliable steps that can suit anyone for achieving what they want easily with few requirements.

1. Setting small goals to reach the ultimate goal

Now when I say small goals it means starting with something you can easily do by little efforts. This will keep you motivated throughout the time and work won’t look as tough as it is. For example,, if your goal is to study for 5 hours continuously start by trying to study for 2 hours maximum and then stretch your limits. Day by day you’ll reach the goal and you won’t even notice it.

2. Setting priorities and sticking to it

We all know that if you give priority to watching Netflix the whole day before your exams you’re not going to score well but you’ll definitely know the story of the series you watched. Same goes with prioritizing your day to day activities and relationships.

If you feel your phone disturbs you keep it aside. If you think there are relationships which keep you dragging down mentally try taking a break. Just prioritize your goals before anyone else.

And always remember people who love you won’t leave you and will be happy to see you achieve what you wanted.

3. Always being positive

The art of getting what you want is directly connected to the secret of attraction. You attract what you think. Believe it or not but whatever you think to release an energy to the universe and universe will make it happen. So it’s always suggested to think positive. When you think positively and you’re optimistic there are 30% more chances that you reach your goal successfully. Plus it keeps you motivated and happy. When you’re happy and have an open mind to accept anything it’s easy to achieve the thing you want right.

Thus, keeping this simple thing in mind and practicing them every day you can definitely get what you want.



Profile of Charmy  Patel
Charmy Patel  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
Nicely written ❤️
Profile of Charmy  Patel
Charmy Patel  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of R.Manoj Aiyer
R.Manoj Aiyer  •  4y  •  Reply
nice one do provide me suggestions after checking my articles