The Amazon's soreness!

The Amazon rainforest is also called as

'Lungs of the Earth '. And right now our lungs are scorching and getting toxic. Not onlyit replenish 20% of oxygen to the world but also its home to the millions of species amd hundreds of indigenous tribes that are all put in a threat by effects of deforestation.

But all the awareness in the world won't slove anything without any action. We individually aren't responsible for this fiery fire. We can't go out to Brazil andthrow a bucket of water on it.

It's truly a time forhumans to take out their blindfolds. its an alarm, we should wake up and realize that we must take the future into our own hands by starting to live proactively through our lifestyle and our EVERYDAY CHOICES period. Because our small step can make a big difference. We make a global shift through billions of personal choices.

If anyone is really worried about future of our planet and global warming that we and our future generations are facing. Take action and be the part of solution. Instead of reacting only when fires are blazing and on the next physical manifestation of the energetic state of the globe. Start to change your lifestyle just after reading this,Think andsupport what you want to happen. Get involve in organization that work for the good sake's ofenvironment and nature. Activelyparticipate in being educated to support a lifestyle that doesn't contribute to deforestation and global warming and harming our planet. Global warming and deforestation is largely in part to the demand for mass amounts of cattle farming and other materials like palm oil. It's an immense reason why we should live in a vegan lifestyle to create a massive change for our planet.

This goes for everything! Your own health, relationships, finances, your mental state.... The education system, laws, you name it.

#Don't justraise yourhands,

Be the changing ends.

