We were taught in school that cleanliness is next to Godliness. Cleanliness is a key to healthy life. Sanitation and cleanliness is a basic problem in our country. People must keep in mind that cleaning their surroundings and taking care of personal hygiene is the best way to stay healthy and kick away any disease.sanitation. Staying hygienic not just helps you but also your neighbours.
People should clean their houses and surrounding areas. They must clean the place where they store food. They must also clean their working places to promote cleanliness. People should maintain adequate sewage disposal system so that the public health is not put at risk. They must clean their drainage system at regular basis to avoid blockage and over flow.
There are many problems caused due to lack of proper sanitation. People suffer from various diseases such as diarrhea, malnutrition, dengue, malaria, etc. Most of the time kids face difficulties in their growth and development. The places which are not cleaned give rise to unwanted smell which makes them puke. These places act as a breeding place for many insects like mosquitoes.
The main reason which leads to increase of waste is carelessness and laziness of people themselves. The people themselves are the cause of dirty and unhealthy environments but they are not ready to face the consequences.
They use plastic wastes and throw them on ground or into water which do not decompose. When it rains water gets stagnant on those papers which turn as a home for mosquitoes. They dispose wastes in a careless manner which leads to pollution. People think of their own only and do not think of others they throw wastes near others house but they don’t mess up their own house. People do not mind throwing garbage in open areas. This may have negative impact on the environment.
Government has started many plans but people do not follow them. They ask us to separate degradable and non degradable wastes but we do not separate it. Though we find dustbins everywhere which are placed by the Government we tend to throw the waste on ground. Many people spit in public places which causes uneasy feeling to others. This must be avoided as diseases may transmit through spit. Though the government has provided money to build toilets, they are not found in many houses. Still people choose to excrete in open places.
The solution for this problem lies in every ones hand. People should start to work on cleanliness of their area and stay healthy. They should make a proper area for sanitation. They must check to that the public health is not under danger. Try to follow simple steps to keep our place clean and green.