People may deny that caffeine has emerged to be a potential mood-alterating drug across the globe inspite of using it on a regular basis by consuming tea , coffee, energy drinks as part of their routine. Yet many of us depend on regular doses of 1,3,7 trimethylxanthine, the chemical name for an acrid white powder called CAFFEINE to help orchestrate our mornings. Brewed from a CCD, sipped in sweet tea , relished with chocolate or downed in cola , caffeine has become a regular fixture in everyday life.

Coffee typically contains 3 times more caffeine than tea or cola. It is a popular myth that dark coffee has more caffeine content than the lighter ones but astonishing enough dark roasted coffee beans actually have less caffeine than the lighter roasts . The caffeine content is lost during the roasting process. Chocolate is also a formidable container of caffeine. Dark chocolates contain higher caffeine content while the white chocolates account for mere 10% of the chemical.


Caffeine intake worldwide sits at approximately 90% in some or the other form. Drinking coffee over the time changes the chemistry of the brain so that a person needs to drink more to have some effect.

Caffeine's chemical structure resembles that of adenosine, a molecule that has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system

This allows caffeine to fit into adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking them and preventing adenosine from binding to them to produce feelings of tiredness.

In turn, the blocked receptors stimulate the release of natural stimulant 'dopamine'. Dopamine known as 'The happy hormone' when not released by the body results in fatigue and depressed behaviour.

The wonderous effects of caffeine!

Caffeine is the worlds most widely used drug. Alcohol is second! Surprised?

This is explicitly explained by the happy outcomes of drinking a cup of coffee.

Studies have shown that consuming coffee right before a 15-minute nap will create a power nap which results in boosted alertness and focus. Coffee in just right amounts is proven to fight Type 2 diabetes. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and can have miraculous effects on skin. On a higher note coffee can also reduce depression which can reduce the suicide rate! The chemical has also manifested the property of inducing weight loss due to fat break down. Colgate recently applied for a patent for a toothbrush that could release the equivalent of half a cup of coffee. But unfortunate enough the much desired patent has been rejected.

Watch out coffee lovers!

Coffee increases alertness but inturn also increases anxiety. High dosages of caffeine can cause insomnia , headaches and nausea. Consumption exceeding 1000 mg per day may prove fatal to some individuals.

Caffeine when devoured within limits can be a beautiful bonaza however can turn out to be a grevious curse once the intake threshold is crossed!

