We have created a list of 811 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter O. This is Page 2 out of 5 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ojas: The nobleness and the goodness of a person.
Ojasin: Strong Powerful, Strength of Unity; Mighty;
Ojaspati: Master of Power, Strength of Unity; Powerful and Strong Person; Mighty;
Ojaswin: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojaswinee: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojaswit: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojasya: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojayati: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojayit: Courageous, Powerful; Strong; Radiant; Mighty; Vital Force; Mental Vigor
Ojesh: Light, Radiant; Bright; Brilliant; Mighty
Ojishth: Strongest, Most Powerful; Mighty; Strength of Unity;
Ojjaswin: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Strength of Unity; Derived from Ojan meaning Vitality; Mental Vigor
Ojwang: One who survived despite neglect.
Okagbare: I have all styles and skills
Okal: English short form of a Greek "Nicodemus" that means victory of the people.
Okan: A person of a noble form. Or have decent and noble looks.
Okapi: It's a Latin word that means a horn. Also an ancient greek word that means pity or mercy.
Okas: House, Shelter; Adobe; Residence; Refuge
Okb: A confident, reticent and comfortable human being
Okba: An optimistic and blunt individual
Oke: A Latin word that means a horn from the war.
Okeley: A spelling variation of the Neelam or Nilam that means the Blue Sapphire.
Okello: One who was born after twins.
Okely: An Alder tree that grows himself across the rivers or streams.
Okena: A horn or a pointed horn-like object
Okera: One who is royal born and is versatile
Okes: A willingly strong spirit and a strong and active person with a calm mind.
Okey: A bright shining light that is pleasing to the eyes
Okeyo: One who was born during the harvest.
Okhil: A Feminine form of Manual that means God is with us.
Okke: Strength and ferocity of a horn.
Okko: The color of Blue. The blue-colored person
Oklahoma: It means God is my light of the soul.
Okorie: Born on Orie
Okoro: Man
Okoth: Talkative person. Sometimes used to refer a crow.
Okpara: One who is born in Okpara
Okpati: Lord of the house, Lord of the Shelter; One who owns a residence
Okpogoro: A big toad
Okropir: Gold mouth
Oktai: He who understands
Okya: Brave, Vision; Air; Sight; Power; Might
Olabamiji: Wealth wakes with me.
Olabisi: The joy is multiple.
Olabode: Wealth has come home.
Oladayo: Wealth has become joy.
Oladele: Persons of success, pupil of triumph.
Olaf: Mass of success, gathering of achievement.
Olaff: The crowd who are experiencing the triumph.
Ólafur: Ancestor's descendent
Olajuwan: The exaltation of the triumph.
Olamilekan: Lord Shiva, one of the three major divinities in the later hindu pantheon.
Olan: Very long lasting, not easily destroyed.
Olanda: The one who is accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels.
Olander: The one who is having a quick and penetrating intelligence.
Olasyar: People's friend, one with a friendly disposition
Olaus: Son of Prahalada
Olav: Affectionate homegrown, sweet home.
Olave: Orchad of shrub, the person who is capturing interest as if by a spell.
Olavi: The people who always prove as superiors
Olavo: Elf army
Olayemi: One who is worthy of wealth.
Olayinka: Wealth surrounds me
Olbert: Famous for his inheritance
Olbrecht: The color of Blue, conflict siren, combat hooter.
Olcay: Champion, conqueror, leader, victor.
Oldoich: Prosperity and power
Oldrich: One who is pleasing in appearance specially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
Oldrik: The blue hill, blue peak.
Oldwin: The Blue atmosphere, blue firmament.
Oldwyn: The neck body part is blue.
Ole: A framework that supports climbing plants (Bower)
Olef: God's dedications, God's kindnesses.
Oleg: Filled with internal brightness, filled with inner nimble.
Olek: The one who gives orders and instructions.
Oleksandr: The daughter of the sovereign, the daughter of the Queen and the King.
Oleksiy: Defender
Olen: Private spectator, secret observer.
Oleos: The holy oil used in the church.
Olev: Estonian form of Olaf. It means ancestor's descendant.
Olever: The olive tree of the branch of olive represent peace
Olfa: A familiar and intimate individual
Olgierd: Fame, the state of being well-known
Olin: Come to, take over to, succeed to.
Olirmeni: Radiant and Bright body, One with a Shining and glowing complexion
Olivander: The one who shelters the olive tree.
Oliveanthan: The ruler or the emperor of the light.
Oliver: The one who represents the emblem of peace or olive tree.
Olivera: The sign or olive tree
Olivers: From Germanic Alfarr, it means Elf Warrior
Olivier: Olive tree caretaker.
Oliviero: The usage from Oliver.
Olivina: A reminder of olive
Olivio: The person wants to be like olive tree.
Oliwer: A look-alike of Olive plant
Oliwier: Same to the olive fruit
Ollaneg: comes from the north west of London, Olney.
Olle: The one who inherits some title or office.
Ollen: The inheritance of a title
Olley: Be similar to olive tree.
Olli: The sprite combatant or fairy fighter.
Ollie: Fairy armed force or combatant.
Ollin: Changing the location of something.
Olliver: The one who has the features of olive tree.
Olly: ELF military or olive tree like.
Olmo: Who lived by the tree of elm
Olney: The one who comes from Olney.
Olof: Remnant, left over, vestige, artefact.
Olorunyomi: God has saved me
Olov: The fruitlets of olive tree.
Olowin: West
Olsen: The born son of Olaf.
Olson: The born son to Ole.
Olu: The one who is out standing or extra ordinary.
Olufemi: The creator loves us, The precious people of God.
Olumoroti: I stand with God
Oluoch: One who was born on a cloudy day.
Olusola: God has blessed me
Oluwadunmininu: God has gladden my heart.
Oluwagbenga: God has lifted me up.
Oluwatoke: God is worthy to be adored.
Oluyomi: Delivered or sent by God
Olva: Down hill of the families.
Olvan: Olive tree liker.
Ölvir: One who is lucky or olive tree.
Olyn: The red fruit tree which has tiny branches all around.
Olyver: ELF cadre or the same as olive tree.
Om: The Sacred Syllable, Primordial sound; Origin of all sounds;
Om parkash: The heavenly brightness from God.
Oma: The one who always stretches his helping hand to others.
Omaansh: The Sacred Symbol of Om, Primordial sound; Origin of all sounds;
Omacatl: The double-gendered deity, a creator god
Omaha: A Person in Great Joy, Rapture; Sight of the Sun
Omair: The person who has brilliant and perfect knowledge.
Oman: The one who wants to help others.
Omanand: Joy of Om, Happiness and radiance from Om
Omananda: Joy of Om, Happiness and radiance from Om
Omandand: Joy of Om, Happiness and radiance from Om
Omar: Powerful or fluent orator.
Omaran: A influential speaker
Omari: Overcrowded and prosperous.
Omariba: Kenyan word for clay.
Omario: Omario is the Jamaican version of Omar and means eloquent and articulate
Omarion: The mixture of name Omar (Powerful or fluent orator) and ion.
Omarjeet: Lord of Om, God; Supreme Almighty
Omarr: Deviation form of the name Omar, a great speaker.
Omaswat: Friendly, Favourable; Companion of Sacred Lord's
Omav: Om Avtar, Disciple of the God; Symbol of Divinity
Omdearoop: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Omdutt: Given by God, Blessing of God; Gift from the sacred being
Omeed: Grounds for feeling hopeful.
Omeir: The one who is eternal or everlasting or unchanged.
Omen: The one who is loyal and steadfast following.
Omendra: God Name, Name of God; God; Supreme Almighty
Omeo: Higher than the hills.
Omer: Talker, successful, long-term, growing, blooming
Omero: The prisoner who is held by one party to insure that the other party will meet specified terms.
Omerus: An invitation to pray
Omesa: Lord of Om, God; Supreme Almighty
Omesh: Luchy, Lord of the Om; God; Supreme Almighty
Omeshwar: Lord of the Om, God; Supreme Almighty
Omganesh: One of the many names of Lord Ganapathi
Omi: Lord of the Om, God; Supreme Almighty
Omid: The one whose expectations are centred.
Omio: The one who is strong and stable and dependable.
Omiros: Detainee or prisoner or captive or jailbird
Omit: My visible illumination.
Omitabho: immeasurable brilliance
Omja: Born of Cosmic Unity, Born from Om; Sacred Being
Omjaa: Born of Cosmic Unity, Born from Om; Sacred Being
Omkaar: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Omkar: The Sound of the Sacred Syllable, Ganesha
Omkara: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Lord of Omkar
Omkaranatha: The master of the holy chant of Om.
Omkareshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Lord of Omkar
Omkareswar: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Lord of Omkar
Omkarnath: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Lord of Omkar
Omkrish: A combination of Om and Krishna,
Ommar: The one who born first Boy in the family, the eldest son.
Omna: Pious, Pure; Sacred; Holy; Divine
Omnada: One who is pious, pure, sacred, holy and divine
Omni: The one who is able to communicate or get indicators in all directions
Omol: A priceless person, who cant be measured with price
Omondi: He who was born at dawn.
Omonigho: Child is greater than money
Omonoro: Child is greater than gold
Omont: Who belongs to the lands of mountains
Omor: The person who attempts killing act.
Omparkash: Brightness, Radiance of Divinity; Divine Luminance; Sacred Light
Ompati: Master of Om, Lord of Om; King of Om
Ompatu: Master of Om, Lord of Om; King of Om
Omprakasa: The holy light or the divine nimble.
Omprakash: Light of God, Brightness; Radiance of Divinity; Divine Luminance; Sacred Light
Ompreet: The one who worship Lord Shiva and love him with his whole mind.
Omran: Firm construction, Rock-solid building, Concrete configuration
Omrao: King, Master of Om; Lord of Om
Omri: The package of several things tied together.
Omswaroop: Manifestation of Divinity, Divine Appearance; One who looks sacred
Omswarup: Manifestation of Divinity, Divine Appearance; One who looks sacred
Omwancha: He who loves people.