We have created a list of 811 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter O. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Oaghavanth: King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
Oak: A Sanskrit word that means adorable, charming, beautiful.
Oakden: It is referring to the Hindu deity Lord ram as the infatuated person.
Oakes: Combination of two words "Mohan" that means Charming and "Babu" means sir or man.
Oakland: An enchanting brave person.
Oaklee: The servant of Lord krishna (a Hindu deity)
Oakleigh: South Indian variant of Mohandas that means servant of Lord Krishna.
Oakley: A charming lamp or a lamp that gives a charming light.
Oakly: Kind and compassionate, Lord Krishna
Oaks: The charming Lord The god is fascinating
Oalo: Small
Oates: Combination of words "Mohan" and "Meet" that combinely means the charming love or charming friend.
Oba: The king
Obadiah: Refers to the lover of a charming person. Also the one who loves Krishna.
Obafemi: The King loves me.
Obalesh: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Obaleshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Obaloluwa: God is the king.
Obama: The enchanting support to someone.
Oban: An Enchanting brave person who is infatuated for his bravery.
Obasi: A Sikh that means a person who is very attractive or very charming.
Obasolape: Yoruba term meaning God has made his wealth complete.
Obatotosinloluwa: God is indeed worthy of praise.
Obedience: One who is trustworthy, One who can be loved or trusted.
Oberon: The soul or the purest blood out of the heart.
Oberron: A beautiful or attractive girl.
Obert: The one who believes that there is only One Allah
Obi: One with the beautiful essence, who has the quality of charming aroma. Also, one who have the quality to charm others.
Obiajulu: My heart is at peace.
Obie: An attractive person
Obiefune: Nigerian word meaning do not lose hope.
Obiefune: Nigerian word meaning do not lose hope.
Obinna: Combination of Sanskrit words "Moh" and "Under" that means the charm of a King.
Óblauðr: One who lives his life without fear
Oboganriemu: Be strong to survive
Obrecht: One who is the guardian of the charming King. A protector of the fascinating king.
Obuya: Born when the garden was overgrown.
Occa: A person who is categorized by his mother land
Occhav: Sound, Voice
Ocean: Spell variant of Mohinder that means a fascinating king.
Oceanus: A South-Indian version of the Mohit that means charmed over Lord Krishna.
Ocelfa: An Arabic term to the one who revives the religion. The title of Sufi Saint Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Ocga: A grateful, authentic and outspoken person
Och: Sparkle
Ochaar: Pronunciation, Sound; Voice
Ocheckka: The one who is intoxicated in infatuation or affection.
Ochieng: Born in the daytime.
Ochs: Combination of the Quranic names Mohammed "The Glorious" and Idrees "Trustworthy" or "Patient"
Ochuko: Hindu name of deity Lord Krishna.
Ocie: Chaste or a virtuous girl.
Ociel: Heaven, heavenly
Ocotlan: Pine
Octa: A person who does good deeds.
Octave: Gentleman, one who helps or aids others, humanitarian
Octavian: a person who is always on the right path or the one who is well-guided.
Octaviano: One who is born eighth to a family
Octavien: Who is eighth child, Emperor Augustus
Octavio: A French word that means "Me" oneself.
Octavious: One of the most dangerous creature
Octavius: Assistant or a helper. One who help others.
Od: Star
Odafe: Rich individual
Odaka: Apple Flavour
Odakota: The white sea or a fair sea.
Odale: The Bitterness of sea, a rebellious one.
Odaliz: A rich person, wealthy and prosperous
Odall: A Spanish Variant of Moses that means off the water or taken out of the water.
Odalric: A Yiddish variant of Moses that means Delivered or derived out of water.
Odalys: Spell variant of Moses that means someone came from the water.
Odalyz: A prosperous, wealthy and rich person
Odam: An Arabic word that means one who gives respect or one who respects others.
Odan: Old Norse - Fury, Inspiration; To blow; Owner; Proprietor; A variant is Odin
Odaniya: Anklet, A decorative jewelery worn in anklets by women
Odaniyan: Sacred Light, Divine Light; Holy Brightness
Odard: A wealthy guardian, a guardian who is rich
Odavwaro: I am contented
Odayle: A Persian word that means "Eyelashes".
Odbart: One who is wealthy and rich.
Odbehrt: One who is always happy. Who make others happy.
Odd: Persian variant of an Arabic that means one who is chosen.
Oded: The fire of salvation within oneself.
Odell: The one who is distressed or upset
Oden: The dearest of human being.
Odendhi: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Odern: A rich person who comes by the sea or Australia
Odgerel: Starlight
Odhavji: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Odi: The fourth manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
Odie: The superman among human being.
Odika: Anklet, A decorative jewelery worn in anklets by women
Odikinyi: One who was born in the early morning.
Odil: The man who is always on the right path.
Odilio: The grandson.
Odilo: From the northern face
Odin: Daffodil yellow flowers
Odion: The yellow daffodil flowers
Odis: Sleep or nap.
Odisej: To hate or to be grieved.
Odo: Passionately oiled.
Odoacer: The goddess person.
Odolf: Passionately dedicated.
Odolff: Bold as a bear.
Odom: Pleased or satisfied.
Odon: The person of enduring fame, not subject to death, who is the personofication of a force
Odongo: Second of twins.
Odour: Born after midnight.
Odran: The person who is willing to use his properties jointly or in common, contribution, involvement
Odunayo: Year of happiness.
Odwolf: The destiny, luck and a share of anything from the Almighty
Odwolfe: A just or fair person, free from any favouritism, unbiased person
Odwulf: A Just lady, equitable, free from prejudice or any kind of favouritism
Odysseus: Gentle wind of the reality, breeze of the fact.
Odyssey: Widely known and esteemed
Oeberon: A manager, an organiser. one who manages other people.
Oegelsby: The person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose.
Oehoo: One who is watchful, vigilant.
Oelfwine: A sensitive and refined person
Oemar: An elequent speaker, fluent and persuasive
Oeric: An eternal ruler, one and only, rules always
Oethelwald: A brave or courageous person from the forest
Oeznik: Slovak word for butcher.
Ofeibea: A good communicator who is appreciated
Ofer: The person who helps people or institutions, a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need.
Offa: The person who supports others or to the fulfillment of a need.
Offede: Guardian of the belief, defender of the confidence.
Ofra: Light wind moving, soft flow of air.
Oftfor: One who has foresight and vision for more
Ofydd: The person always filled with the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments.
Ogaan: Waves, United; Combined; Joined; Together; A variant is Ogana
Ogan: Waves, United; Combined; Joined; Together; A variant is Ogana
Ogana: Someone that provides access to get in or get out, the one who performs the act of entering.
Ogbamremu: The brave meets a lot of challenges
Ogdan: The person who is steadfast in allegiance or duty, the one who is open type and genuine.
Ogden: The one who is succeeding with great difficulty, victorious triumph.
Ogdon: Freshly brought into existence, newcomer to this world
Ogechukwukana: The time spent worshiping God is the best.
Ogelsby: The almighty God, who is always same yesterday, today and forever
Ogelsvie: A person who engaged in or experienced in warfare like Novel
Ogelsvy: The fresh nimble, constantly giving light and ever shine
Ogen: Ultimate and superlative mahamantra of jains, used in Hindi
Oger: A person with the newest or freshest hair.
Ogha: See, Flood; Stream; Rapid Flow of Water
Oghenebrume: God decided in my favor
Oghenechovwe: God aided me
Oghenefejiro: God is praiseworthy
Oghenegaren: God is great
Oghenekevwe: God gave me
Ogheneme: My God
Oghenemine: I look up to God
Oghenerioborue: Great novel Triumph, prove superior of the contest
Oghenerukevwe: God did this for me
Ogheneruno: God has done so much
Oghenetega: God is worship worthy
Oghenochuko: God provides my support
Oghomena: Here is my respect
Oghonoro: Respect is greater than money
Ogilvy: His leniency and compassion shown towards offenders , disposition to be kind and forgiving
Ogima: God is Merciful, God is hearing and answering, also it means fresh as well.
Oglesby: Not widely known, especially valued for its uncommonness, not widely distributed
Ognian: Variant transcription of Ognyan, meaning fiery.
Ognyan: Derived from Bulgarian word ognen, meaning fiery.
Ogooluwa: The glory of God.
Ogoro: Frog
Ogrins: An individualistic and happy being
Ogtbish: Mongolian word meaning not at all.
Oguhyr: A new and bright individual
Oguz: Means most valuable, priceless, treasurable person
Oha: Meditation, True Knowledge; Wisdom; Enlightment
Ohad: Means someone who shows the way by leading or advising others.
Ohannes: A form of John, meaning God is gracious.
Ohanzee: Means, the organ of sight, eye, good discernment.
Ohas: Praise, Honour; Admire; Commend
Ohileshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ohio: The feeling of extreme pleasure and satisfaction of the eyes.
Ohit: The brightness of the eyes, nimble of the eyesight.
Ohitika: Attractive and good-looking human.
Ohitlal: The girl who has gorgeous, stunning and fine looking eyes.
Ohiyo: Lovely eyes that induce magnetism, the one with expressive eyes
Ohm: Primordial Sound
Ohnmar: Insane
Ohon: The name is preserved.
Ohta: This name has two meanings, one is the eyes of the Almighty God, other one is free from dirt or impurities
Ohthere: A true champion. One who is a champ or ahead of all.
Ohtli: A person who is a champion. Also refereed to the son of Neil.
Ohwahwa: Cold season
Ohwofasa: A person's status should be defined by his achievement
Ohwonigho: A person is greater than riches
Oiddii: A personal who is original and fun loving
Oidilwald: A bravest man from the forest
Oisin: A Basque name that mean sorrows.
Oistin: Latin - August, Dignified; Holy; A variant of Austin
Oiva: A noble and brave person.
Oja: Vitality, A habitational name from a farm; A short form of Ojala
Ojadh: One who gives Strength, Lord of Strength; Lord of Power and Might
Ojai: A noble and decent lamp to enlighten the world.
Ojakorotu: This is a group challenge
Ojal: Vision, Sight; See; Picturised; Imagined
Ojan: Waves, United; Combined; Joined; Together; A variant is Ogana
Ojanomare: I have met the challenge
Ojapati: Master of Power, A Deity of Bodhi Tree; Strength of Unity; Strength of Togetherness