We have created a list of 811 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter O. This is Page 3 out of 5 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Omya: Life Giving, Originator
Onain: Vision, Sight; See; Picturised; Imagined
Onajite: This is sufficient
Onan: The person who is possessing strength or power superior than the average.
Onanojah: This is a challenge
Onaona: The person who is having a pleasing fragrance.
Ondoej: A male warrior
Ondrea: Possessing qualities befitting a man or having abilities suitable for a woman.
Ondrei: Male combatant or manly fighter.
Ondrej: Human warrior or mannish soldier.
Oneal: Victor, winner, over comer.
Onfre: The one who is firm in his mind during the problem times.
Onfroi: Pacific fighter or comforting soldier.
Ongentheow: Name of a Swedish King who is mighty and powerful
Ongivalarthan: Light of God, Brightness; Radiance of Divinity; Divine Luminance; Sacred Light
Ongkar: The holy chant of Om
Onik: A brave soldier
Onil: Wind, Air; Something that is present everywhere
Oninddo: The joy or happiness
Onindro: A romantic person
Onir: Shining, Lustre; Glowing; Bright; Radiant
Onish: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying his radiance and brightness
Onkar: God in his entirety, The purest one; One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Onkaran: God in his entirety, The purest one; One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Onkarjot: Names of God in the bright of light.
Onkwani: He who talks a lot.
Onlaf: A relic or a historical heritage
Onnan: The person who serves as a sailor.
Onnesha: Honesty, Truthfulness;
Onni: Windfall, godsend, cheerfulness, pleasure
Onochie: The one who can replace the status of father.
Onofre: The one who fights for peace or harmony.
Onofredo: The cadre who fights for the harmony of nation.
Onofrio: Protector of harmony.
Onogaganmue: One who is intoxicated with power
Onoharhese: Who blames good deeds?
Onoharhigho: Who blames riches?
Onosij: A person who is dedicated and creative
Onslow: Supporter's mountain or follower's hill.
Onslowe: Passionate or adoring one's mountain
Ontario: Beautiful lake of water
Ontzlake: A Good knight of prowess
Onur: Righteousness or decency or integrity or morality
Onyait: Born on the grassland.
Onyekachi: No-one is grander than God
Onyx: Dark stone or dusky gem stone.
Oogan: One who is lively, Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Oogharath: Son of Ooghavand, One who is lively; Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Oogharth: Son of Oaghavand, One who is lively; Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Ooghavanth: Son of Prateeka of Surya Dynasty, One who is lively; Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Oogy: Full of or showing high spirits.
Oojam: One who is lively, Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Oomjam: One who is lively, Enthusiastic; Bubbly
Oopajai: Abide or live or dwell or reside.
Oordhva: High, Upper; Powerful
Oorjit: Powerful, Radiant; Strong; Mighty; Enthusiastic; Lively
Opasa: Sacred Light, Divine Light; Holy Brightness
Opesh: Support, Pillar
Ophir: The precious and priceless gold.
Opie: One who is like a God Almighty
Opilamani: Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani; Peerless Gem; Incomparable
Opinder: The one who is closer to God.
Opiyo: First of the twins.
Opkar: Benevolence, Kindness, Charity, Generosity.
Opparili: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Oppilamani: Superlative, unique, Unbeatable, exclusive.
Oppilan: Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani; Peerless Gem; Incomparable
Oppili: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Oppiliappan: Enthusiasm, One of many names of Lord Vishnu; A variant spelling is Uppiliappan
Oppilmani: Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani; Peerless Gem; Incomparable
Opraaj: The empire or domain of God.
Optimus: One of the best aristocrat
Opurbo: A unique or one of a kind person
Opus: Melodious word or Harmonious name
Or: Residing at the edge of a shoreline
Oracle: The one who brings holy greetings.
Orahamm: The place surrounded by lake or water.
Oral: The statements which were given already.
Oram: The nearer place to sea or river.
Oran: Dull color or dim color or mostly in white color.
Orang: One who has wisdom, creative nature and clever
Oratilwe: The dearest and darling one.
Oratun: Farmhouse near the boundary line.
Orazio: The person who is steadfast in prayers.
Orazziu: Sicilian form of Horatius, meaning hour, time or season.
Orban: Hungarian accent of Urban.
Orbert: Having abundant of money or possessions of value.
Ord: A hammer or a point
Ordbehrt: A sensitive, dedicated and honest being
Orde: The blade point of the sharp sword.
Ordell: The tiny table knife or bread-knife or bladeknife.
Ordgar: Resembling the sharp point of the javelin.
Ordheah: A high spirited and optimistic individual
Ordla: A strong minded, affectionate individual
Ordlaf: An amusing and logical being
Ordland: from the peak of the mountain.
Ordmaer: One of the head officials in Anglo-saxon society.
Ordman: The one who can handle the spear very well.
Ordmund: The one who guards with a javelin.
Ordovs: A reasonable and observant individual
Ordric: An aged or wise ruler
Ordsone: The born son of Ormond.
Ordwald: The one who is possessing the might like javelin.
Ordway: The one who is having the spear on his hands as mighty arm.
Ordwin: The assistant who fights with a javelin.
Ordwine: The one who is very close mate to spear.
Orel: Precious and bright as the gold.
Orell: Swiss accent of Aurelius (golden, glided)
Oren: Pine tree or dull color or fair color.
Oresh: Expression of religion or writer.
Orest: One who stands on the mountain.
Oreste: A huge rugged one
Orestes: A huge rock like thing
Orestis: Perceived, produced, designed.
Orfeo: The one who has come for a determination.
Orford: Tiger, one of the bold animals.
Orham: The one who is free of extraneous elements of any kind.
Orhan: Meek in spirit or manner.
Ori: Hebrew - My Light, Ory is a varaint spelling
Orick: The person who is a triumph one with peaceful sleep.
Orie: The person who reserves good sleep.
Orien: Fine looking and delightful person.
Origen: A birth of a falcon, or a high born person
Orik: Steadiness of mind under stress.
Orin: The additional name for Lord Mailar Lingappa.
Oringo: God is merciful
Oriol: A feeling of favorable regard.
Oriole: The one who supervises over.
Oriolz: A golden person, who is precious as gold
Orion: The one of the trees Kadam.
Oris: A variation of name Orris, Tree
Orlain: A famour or well-known in the land
Orlan: The person who has the ability to perform skillfully.
Orland: The person who is without defect or blemish.
Orlando: The accomplishment of the multitude.
Orleans: Make wrinkled or creased.
Orlee: Free from conflicting qualities.
Orley: The person who is giving pleasure and satisfaction.
Orli: The person recommend for specific labor.
Orlin: Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
Orlo: Nomusa elegance and compassion, grace and empathy
Orlondo: Rainy season, showers from the heaven.
Orly: My joy, my happiness, my gladness, my enjoyment.
Orm: Nona means the ninth one in the family.
Orman: Mariner, Spearman
Ormand: Deserving of esteem and respect.
Ormar: One who is an eloquent speaker
Ormeman: Mother of prettiness, motherhood of loveliness.
Ormemund: Nooa break, relaxation, relief, well being.
Ormond: One of the Holy prophets, prophet Nooh.
Ormonde: Noomi my joy, my bliss, my glee, my cheer.
Ormondo: The brightness of the light.
Ormund: The glow of the conviction, spark of the belief.
Orn: Noorudeen radiance of trust, glimmering of confidence.
Ornil: A fresh start, youthful person
Ornob: Deep ocean or large sea.
Oro: Gold which is high expensive and precious.
Orodena: The great one
Orped: One who is courageous and adventurous.
Orpheus: Having a dark color or gloomy color.
Orran: The coniferous tree or pine tree.
Orren: Short in colors or deficient in colors.
Orri: From the particular position or my bright.
Orrick: The oak tree land.
Orrie: Addressing from the angle.
Orrik: From the primordial oak land.
Orrin: The color which is highly diluted with white.
Orry: The cub of the bear.
Orsen: The person who resembles the little bear.
Orsin: The person resembles as a bear.
Orsino: The person who likes the bear.
Orson: The young male bear.
Orton: The border or edge of the farm.
Ortun: The ranch near the borderline.
Orun: The spiritual combatant or the deity fighter.
Orup: An extremely handsome person
Oruvan: One, Unique; Unmatchable; Sole; Individual; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Orvadasp: The one who possesses swift horses.
Orval: A town of Gold
Orvale: A own full of gold
Orvalle: One from the golden village.
Orvel: The golden shining person
Orvil: The person who has the powerful strength in handling the spear.
Orville: The town or city which is filled by golden treasuries.
Orvin: The person who is very closer to Spear.
Orvvite: An orderly, versatile and tidy individual
Orvyn: The very close friend who is bold and courageous.
Orwald: The person who is possessing the power like a spear.
Orwell: The turnoff of a stream.
Orwin: The assistant who fights with a javelin.
Orwynn: The person who is very much familiar with the spear.
Osaf: The person who is expert in dancing.
Osama: The one who is bold and courageous like a lion.
Osbald: A spiritual strength from god
Osbaldo: The spiritual strength or regulation from God.
Osbarn: A God bear or a God warrior
Osbart: The powerful and shining lights from God.
Osbeohrt: A powerful light of God
Osbeorht: The shining light from the God
Osbeorn: The bear like person.