We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 25 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Anuhu: The one who is without any desire
Anuj: Younger Brother, One who is younger or born later
Anujay: Graceful Victory
Anujpal: Friend of a younger brother
Anujpreet: Friend for a younger brother
Anuka: They are wishful and maintain family's pride
Anukalp: A flower, a confident individual
Anukampa: God's Mercy, God's Blessing; God's Grace
Anukaran: Similar, Imitation
Anukarsa: They are the Lord of Ocean, invoking
Anukeertana: A praiseworthy individual who is divine light
Anukul: Appropriate, Proper; Perfect; Correct;
Anukula: A pleasant individual who is very appropriate
Anukulika: A divine messenger who is naughty and amiable
Anul: Wind, a gentle individual
Anuman: Small patience
Anuna: The one having the full power and energy
Anunaab: Powerful, Influential; One with Authority
Anunank: A brilliant and a wise person
Anunanya: A beautiful prayer, satisfaction
Anunaras: A beautiful prayer, provider of satisfaction
Anunay: Supplication, Consolation; Requesting; Comforting; Solace
Anup: Talent, Glory; Exclusive; Without Comparison; Unique
Anupa: A pond, they are of a kind
Anupam: Without Comparison, Incomparable; Unique; Exclusive
Anupati: A protector, Lord of ultra-fine
Anupdeep: An everlasting and shining bright light
Anupjeet: A powerful girl who is loved by all
Anupjot: An everlasting and shining bright light
Anupmeet: A priceless being who is not materialistic and a friend
Anuraag: Love, Attachment; Affectionate; Adoring; Friendly
Anurag: Love, Attachment; Affectionate; Adoring; Friendly
Anuraga: A devoted, passionate and loving individual
Anuraj: Another name of Lord Kuber, a brilliant being
Anurak: Anurak is the male angel in Thai mythology.
Anurakt: A supportive being
Anurakta: One who surrenders with Love and affection
Anuranan: A good quality sound
Anuranjan: Love, Attachment; Affectionate; Adoring; Name of a Raaga
Anuranjana: A pleasant individual who is very appropriate
Anuranjita: Starry night, delighted and happy
Anuranjito: Wealthy, delighted and vigilant one
Anurata: A visionary being who is devoted and spiritual
Anuratha: The one who is self-disciplined one
AnUrduhu: God is gracious, merciful one and he has answered the prayers
Anurodh: A Request, Appeal
Anurodha: A humble request made
Anuroop: Beautiful, Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
Anuruc: The one with very interesting personality and is liked by everyone
Anurudha: The one who obeys and are a pair
Anurudhya: A humble request
Anurup: Handsome, Beautiful; Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
Anusa: A handsome boy who is a visionary
Anush: Sweet, Pleasant; Lovely; Nice
Anushank: The one who is loved by all and also respected
Anusheelan: One whose thoughts are nice, sweet and pleasing
Anushtaan: Conduct, Regular Performance of Worship; Lead; Conduct
Anushtan: Celebration for Joy, Conduct with happiness
Anushtup: A beautiful hymn, logical thinkers
Anusikha: A respected and decorated individual
Anusree: Pretty, Fair; Lovely; Beautiful; Pleasing
Anuthosh: Graceful and happy young girl
Anutosa: Unique gratification
Anutta: The invincible one
Anuttam: Unsurpassed, Excel; To be superior in everything
Anuttama: The best and the finest one
Anuva: Knowledge, Brilliance; Intelligence; Well Learned
Anuvaha: A follower of worship and religion
Anuvind: One who Receives, A Cousin of Lord Krishna
Anuvitta: The one who is found
Anuvrat: A dedicated and devoted being
Anuvrata: They are dedicated and devoted being
Anuyayin: A follower of worship and religion
Anvar: The luminous and bright one, an eternal flame and light
Anvay: Joined, Integration; United; Being together
Anvesh: Investigation, Seeker; Finder; Searcher
Anveshak: Investigation, Seeker; Finder; Searcher
Anveshan: Investigation, Seeker; Finder; Searcher
Anvit: Relation, Leader; Guide; One who always directs and leads others
Anvith: Friend, Companion;
Anwaar: The luminous and bright, an eternal flame and light
Anwaaraddin: Light of the faith, brilliance of the faith
Anwar: The one who is dazzling and bright, an eternal flame and light
Anwarulkarim: The glorious one who is bright and nightless
Anwer: The luminous and bright one, an eternal flame and light
Anwerussadat: The brilliant between Sayyids
Anwesh: Quest, Searching; Seeking; Finding
Anxo: Another form of Angelus, an angel sent from heaven to spread peace and love
Anynaga: A flawless and divine human being
Anyon: Celtic - Anvil
Anyuna: A healthy and strong individual
Anzan: Buddhist, A strong, tall, quiet mountain
Anzar: A heart made of pure gold
Anze: Variant of Janez, meaning God is gracious.
Anzor: Noble
Aodh: Celtic - Fire, Brightness, Splendour, Derived from the element "Aed" which means Fire
Aodhan: Celtic - Fire, Brightness, Splendour, A variant of the name Aodh
Aodren: One who is of high birth
Aogust: Bretons form of August, meaning venerable
Aoi: Holly flower
Aoki: An evergreen blue tree
Aonghas: Celtic - One Choice, A variant of name is Angus
Aonghus: Celtic - One Choice, A variant of name is Angus
Aoshnar: A man of intellect. A variant of this name is Aoshanara.
Aouli: A beautiful feeling, vast blue sky
Apaar: A God-like figure who is strong as an Eagle
Apacita: A honourable being
Apadeva: Mighty God of water
Apagasuta: Another name of Bhishma, they are very strong and witty
Apageya: The one who originated from river
Apaghana: The cloudlessness
Apakunga: An Elf counselor filled with over-confidence, responsibility and stability
Apalala: The one who is free from anxiety, desire and tension
Apalasin: The one who has achieved freedom from sadness and grief
Apamanyu: The one who is liberated from sadness and grief
Apampati: Mighty God of water
Apan: The one who is bright like Sun
Apapati: Water God
Apar: Infinite, Limitless; Boundless; Endless;
Apara: Matchless, Unique; One who is exclusive and has no equivalent
Aparajit: One who cannot be conquered, Invincible; One who cannot be defeated
Aparajito: Name of a beautiful flower, the one who can never be defeated
Aparamit: Infinite, Limitless; Boundless; Endless;
Aparampar: Infinite, Limitless; Boundless; Endless;
Aparesh: God Shiva's Invincible Worship
Aparichit: Unknown, Unexplored; Undiscovered; Unidentified;
Aparimit: Unbounded, Independent; Free; One with no limits
Aparita: A joyous individual who is also friendly
Aparjith: One who always wins, Always Victorious; Invincible; Unconquerable; Undefeatable
Aparnesa: Name of Lord Shiva
Aparoksa: The visible one who is very bright and not beyond sight
Aparoop: Uncommon, Special; Different
Aparpreet: The one who has immense love in their heart for everyone
Aparusa: The one who is free from anger and is always at peace
Apasanka: The one who is brave, fearless and strong
Apaspati: The one who is active, nice and skillful
Apasyu: The active, energetic, nice and skillful
Apatihat: Without a Match, Unique; Exclusive; One who has no equivalent
Apava: Another name of God Vishnu
Apce: Someone who is swift or fast in whatever he does.
Apekshit: Desired, Expected; Wished; Longed; Craved
Apera: Breath
Aperahama: Father of a mighty nation
Api: Father in Rejoicing, Friend; Ally; Acquaintance
Apiatan: Native American - Wooden Lance,
Apiguna: An excellent human being who is master of many attributes
Apija: A younger brother
Apindra: A handsome boy who is a visionary, another name of God Indra
Apnavana: The who provides support with his own strong arms
Apninder: God's very own child
Apod: A very smart and witty individual who is also important
Apolinar: A medivial name belonging to the one who belongs to Apollo
Apollo: The one who is very handsome and is also a name of Greek God
Apollon: Old Greek - To destroy, A variant of the name Apollo
Apollonia: The one who destroys
Apollonius: Old Greek - To destroy, A variant of the name Apollo
Apollos: Old Greek - To destroy, A variant of the name Apollo
Apolonio: The follower of Apollo
Apomurti: The one who destroys completely
Aponaptir: Another name of God of Fire, grandson of water
Apoorv: One of a Kind or Rare, Unique; Exclusive; Matchless
Apoorva: Quite New, Unique; Rare; Exclusive; Matchless;
Apoorve: Quite New, Unique; Rare; Exclusive; Matchless;
Apostol: A pious and serious man
Apostolos: An angel who is the messenger of almighty God
Appadurai: The most suitable one
Appaji: One of many names of Lord Venkateswara of Balaji
Appan: One's Own, God or Father
Apparajito: Undefeated, Unconquerable; Invincible; One who is always victorious
Apparao: God's name
Appasami: The master of majestic and vibrant personality
Appitta: The one born out of fire
Appo: The breath
Appollo: The one who is very handsome and is also a name of Greek God
Apramaya: Another name of Lord Krishna, a brilliant being
Aprameya: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Aprati: The one who has no opponents
Apratihat: Without a Match, Unique; Exclusive; One who has no equivalent
Apratim: Unequalled, Unparalleled; Incomparable; Matchless; Supreme
Apratipa: Beyond comparison
Apratula: The one who is beyond estimation
Apremeya: Infinite, Limitless; Boundless; Endless;
Aprit: Offering, Gift; Contribution
Apritapa: Another name of Lord Vishnu, they are guardians of people
Apriya: The one who is not liked by people and undesirable
Apsavya: Anothe name of Lord Varuna, the one living in water
Apsel: The one spreading peace
Apso: Name of a Sumerian God. It's also a term used for a source of fresh water.
Apta: The are the reliable one who are loving beings
Aptha: Reliable, Trustworthy; Rigid; Unalterable;
Apu: Pure, Virtuous, Divine, Flawless
Apullius: A patient individual
Apupa: The little one, young child; a honeycomb
Apurba: Very Good, Never Seen Before
Apuroop: Valuable, Precious; Priceless; Inestimable
Apurv: Unparalleled, Extraordinary; Exceptional; Unmatched
Apurva: Unique, Unparalleled; Extraordinary; Exceptional; Unmatched
Aput: Inuit word for snow.
Aputsiaq: An exquisite snowflake
Aqa: A master, It's a variant of Agha