We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 26 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Aqdas: A holy and pure individual, elderly
Aqeeb: A follower of worship and religion
Aqeel: A super gifted intelligent being who is wise and reasonable
Aqeil: A gentle, intelligent being who is wise and reasonable
Aqib: A result
Aqil: A gifted intelligent being who is wise and reasonable
Aqissiaq: A beautiful bird who lives in cold regions
Aqleem: A region or a country
Aqmar: A brilliant, moonlight and a wise person
Aqqad: They are maker of trimmings or strings
Aqrab: The one who has zodiac sign of Scorpio
Aqsad: Achiever, goal-setter
Aquarius: The one who bears water
Aqubal: A unicorn
Aquene: The one spreading peace
Aquib: Another name of Prophet Muhammad
Aquil: A gifted intelligent being who is wise and reasonable
Aquilah: The one who is powerful as an Eagle
Aquilino: Latin - Eagle, A variant of name Aquila
Aquire: A handsome boy
Ara: One who is strong and opinionated.
Ara: To see, idealistic and cursing
Araadhak: Worshipper, Devotee; Disciple; Follower
Arab: A person from Arab
Arabhata: A brave, courageous young man
Arabi: Arabian
Arabia: A person from Arab
Arabian: A person born in Arab Nations
Arabick: A person who is born in Arab
Arabinda: Lotus, Another name of Lord Brahma
Arabindo: A beautiful Lotus, they are derived from Arvind
Aracana: A praiseworthy individual who is divine light
Aradhak: Worshipper, Devotee; Disciple; Follower
Aradhaka: A holy and pure individual who worships
Aradhaya: A holy saint
Aradhya: To be Worshiped, Followed; Devoted; Discipled;
Arae: A royal king
Arafah: A mountain near Mecca
Arafat: A mountain near Mecca, recognition
Arafel: Fog, complex and unique
Araga: The one who is unique, cool and without passion
Aragam: A helpful and loyal being
Aragon: Name of a place
Aragorn: The one who is a royal king and noble
Arah: A traveler, the one who enjoys adventure
Araha: Son of Sun, Guiding Star
Araiz: The one who is a born leader
Araj: A pure and fragrant individual
Aram: A curse, They are high and exalted one
Aramanas: The one who is filled with desire, pleasure and happy
Aramani: The righteous one
Araminder: The one who is inclined towards God
Aramis: Name of one of the Three Musketeers, A variant name is Airamis
Aran: Hebrew - Enlighted, mountain of strength; exalted; A variant of name Aaron
Arana: A hard rock
Aranab: Ocean, Sea, Deepest sea; Vast; A variant of Arnav
Aranadhan: Another name of Lord Brahma,
Aranatha: A God-like figure who controls time
Aranav: Ocean, Sea, Deepest sea; Vast; A variant of Arnav
Arandu: A progressive being
Araneri: The righteous one
Arangan: Another name for Lord Vishnu
Arans: The righteous one, a strong mountain
Aranya: Wild Forest, it signifies fertility, abundance, plentiful, greenery, generosity
Aranyak: Wild Forest, it signifies fertility, abundance, plentiful, greenery, generosity
Aranyaka: The green lush forest
Aranz: A romantic individual
Arapeta: Noble and famous. A famous man.
Ararat: Sacred Land or High Land
Araru: The one shows no mercy
Aras: Aras river. It's also the name of an Armenian historical figure.
Arasan: A true and noble king
Arash: Truthfulness and righteousness. It's also the name of a famous archer of ancient Iran.
Arash: A bright, truthful boy
Arasmat: A versatile, artistic boy: A person who appreciates and spontaneous
Arasti: Adorned. It's the name of Zarathushtra's uncle and the father of Mediomah.
Arastoo: Aristotle, the one with fantastic purpose
Arasu: A true and noble king
Arata: A fresh and new individual
Arathorn: A royal king, an Eagle
Arav: Peaceful, Beautiful; Incredible; Extraordinary
Aravaanan: The right one
Aravali: Righteous, Morally Correct; Virtuous; Name of a Hill
Aravan: Righteous, Morally Correct; Virtuous; Name son of Arjuna in The Mahabharat
Aravanan: The holder of morality and righteousness
Aravaraiyan: Handsome, Beautiful; Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
Aravind: Lotus, One with beautiful eyes; One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Aravinda: A white Lotus flower
Aravindh: A white Lotus flower, pure and special
Aravindhan: Lotus, One with beautiful eyes; One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
AravIndian: A rare white Lotus flower
Aravini: Sound made by tinkling
Arawaostra: One who possesses a white stallion.
Arawinda: Lotus, One with beautiful eyes; One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Arawn: Lord of underworld
Araya: A noble, wise king
Araysh: An overshadower
Araz: Name of a river
Arbaaz: A mighty Eagle
Arbab: The supreme master
Arbad: A mighty Lion or a Snake
Arban: A fluent man
Arbee: An emotional person
Arbilaya: From Arbil
Arbindar: The one who is of giving nature
Arbinder: Lord of Lotus flower
Arbinderjeet: A person who graceful and is victorious
Arbinderpaul: The one who protects Lotus
Arbinderpreet: The one who loves and protects Lotus
Arbor: A seller of herbs
Arbuda: A huge mountain
Arbudi: The one who is born from a tumour
Arca: The one who shine and is adored
Arcadio: A paradise
Arcangelo: An angel who is the messenger of almighty God
Arcat: The one who is very simple, brilliant and happy
Arcaus: The one who is responsible and strict
Arcebaldus: A responsible, strict and strong being
Arch: Archibald
Archa: Pujan, Worship; Prayer; Devote
Archaimbaud: The bold one
Archak: Worshipper, Devotee; Disciple; Follower
Archambault: Precious or true and bold
Archan: The name of a person who worships
Archana: Worshiping One, Devoting; Puja
Archanpreet: The one who loves prayers
Archard: French - Powerful, A variant of name Archird
Archelaos: Master of the people.
Archelaus: The prince who rules
Archen: The name of a person who worships
Archer: An English bowman usually a surname
Archerd: French - Powerful, A variant of name Archird
Archere: Old English - Bowman, Archer; A variant of the name Archer
Archi: The shaven head of the monks, ray of light
Archibald: A bald man
Archibaldo: A bald man
Archibold: Germanic - Truly Brave, A variant of the name Archibald
Archie: A true bold man
Archil: A bold man
Archilai: A truthful, bold man
Archimbald: A person who is bold, strong and takes charge
Archimedes: A master who makes plans
Archishman: Sun, Sunshine; Radiance; Brightness
Archisman: Sun, Sunshine; Radiance; Brightness
Archit: Worshipped, Prayed; Great Devotion
Archuna: A worshipper
Archy: A true bold man
Arcika: The one who prays and is an Eagle
Arcismat: Another name of Lord Agni and Vishnu
Arcita: The one who worships and is worshipped
Arcturus: The one who guards Bear
Ard: Germanic - Eagle, Latin - Green Forest; A variant of the name Arden
Arda: Latin - Green Forest, A variant of the name Arden
Ardafravash: The name of the holy spirit guardian in Zoroastrian religion.
Ardakhoreh: A boy with holy and divine luster.
Ardal: The one with high honor
Ardalan: Name of a Kurdish vassaldom.
Ardaleah: The one arising from a meadow
Ardaman: The one who crushes evil
Ardan: Latin - Green Forest, A variant of the name Arden
Ardana: The reatless one
Ardashir: The one who has majestic power of a Lion
Ardaviraf: The holy resplendent hero. Also the name of a Zoroastrian religious text of Sassanid era in Middle Persian language.
Ardel: Latin - Eager, A variant of the name Ardell
Ardell: Latin - Eager, The Variant names are Ardel, Ardelle and Ardele
Ardent: The Ardent
Ardghal: The one filled with high valour
Ardhakala: The one who is half destroyer
Ardhendru: Half Moon
Ardhendu: Half Moon
Ardhendumauli: Another name of Lord Shiva
Ardhendushekhar: Another name of Lord Shiva, a protector
Ardian: The one belonging to Illyrian tribe
Ardit: The golden day
Ardleigh: The one which rises from a meadow
Ardley: English - Ardent Meadow, Variant names are Ardlea, Ardleah, Ardlee etc
Ardly: The one arising from a meadow
Ardo: The one who judges others
Ardolf: Home Loving Wolf, A variant of the name Ardwolf
Ardolph: Home Loving Wolf, A variant of the name Ardwolf
Ardon: Hebrew - Bronze, Latin - Green Forest; A variant of name Arden
Ardsley: The one arising from a meadow
Ardvan: The protector of holiness in Zoroastrian religion.
Ardwahisht: Best holiness. Also one of the seven Amahraspands meaning archangels.
Ardwolf: Home Loving Wolf
Are: Celtic - Stone, Bear, Germanic - Thor, The Eagle; A variant of name Arthur
Areeb: An intelligent, wise person
Areef: A special. intelligent person
Areehah: Destroyer of Enemies, Protector;
Areen: The one who has the strength of a mountain
Arees: A hardworking farmer
Areez: A hard working leader
Aref: Knowing, Knowledgeable; Wise; Intelligent; Sage;
Arek: Hebrew - Enlighted, mountain of strength; A variant of name Aaron
Arele: Yiddish form of Aaron, meaning mountain.
Areli: A visionary, the one who spreads light
Aren: A mighty and majestic Eagle
Arend: Germanic - Eagle Ruler, Hebrew - Enlighted; mountain of strength; A variant of name Aaron
Arendt: A powerful and majestic Eagle
Arent: Germanic - Eagle Ruler, Hebrew - Enlighted; mountain of strength; A variant of name Aaron