We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 23 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Anghari: The Earth, The one who hates sin
Anghel: The Romanian form of Angel, meaning angel.
Angi: A sweet smell
Angiras: Sage, One from the mythical Luminous Race; One from class of Pitris
Angirasa: A sage, the luminous one who knows Vedas
Angis: A strong and masculine man
Angith: A compatable, nil and hopeful person
Anglesey: A beautiful name for an Angel
Angosin: The one who is in search of hidden truth
Angrez: Name used to refer British people, Derived from Urudu word Ingles
Angsh: A part, a narrow place
Angshu: Ray of Light, Hope; Chance
Angshudhar: The bright Sun
Angshul: A brilliant, bright and everlasting as the Sun
Angshuman: The one who is brilliant, bright and everlasting as the Sun
Angsu: The one who has the most beautiful limbs
Anguchami: The smooth cream
Anguish: Father of Iseult, Pain; the wise son
Angus: The chosen one
Angusa: A melodious and beautiful hymn and soul
Anguysh: Father of Isolde
Anh: Smart, intelligent
Anh: Smart, intelligent
Anhad: The one who has no boundaries
Anhil: Uttpatti of Chauhan
Aniah: God's answer, the one who is able, neat and impressive
Aniam: A People, The Strength; Sorrow of People
Anibal: The one who is holy and satisfying
Aniceto: The one who cannot be conquered
Aniel: He is the son of wind
Aniello: Like a young little lamb
Aniij: Charming, Endearing; Adorable; Attractive
Anik: The one who is dtrong and brave like a soldier
Anikait: Lord of the World, Supreme being of the Universe; Greatest of all beings
Aniket: One who has no residence, Homeless; One who is present in everything; Spirit of God
Aniketa: Another name of Lord Shiva, the almighty who is Lord of the universe
Aniketh: One who has no residence, Homeless; One who is present in everything; Spirit of God
Aniketha: A self sacrificing individual who is the Lord of the world
Aniketos: Original form of Anicetus. It means 'unconquerable'.
Anikrat: Derived from Lord Rama's name, An understanding, the son of a high race
Anil: The God of the wind and air
Anilaabh: Spirit of the Wind, A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
Anilabh: Spirit of the Wind, A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
Anilabha: The one who has fair complexion and charming
Anilatmaja: Spirit of the Wind, A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
Anilesh: Spirit of the Wind, A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
Anili: The appealing one
Aniljeet: The one who wins over wind
Aniljot: The one who is light of air
Anilkumar: Son of Wind, Hanuman; A derivative name from the Sanskrit word Anil which means Air
Anilpreet: The one who is lover of wind
Anilsakha: The one who has fire and passion in heart
Animan: He is the one who has no bounds
Animash: Bright, Open Eyed; Attractive; Endearing
Animesa: They are the one who is in love with the majestic personality of God
Animesh: Bright, Open Eyed; Attractive; Endearing
Animikh: Ageless, the one who has a steady perspective
Animish: Bright, Open Eyed; Attractive; Endearing
Aninda: Dear, Beloved
Anindit: Blameless, Faultless; Perfect; Flawless; One who is free of Guilt
Anindith: The Blameless One, One with No Faults; The Perfect ; One who is free of Guilt
Anindo: Happiness, Joy; Delight; Bliss; Pleasing
Anindra: The one who is awake
Anindya: One who Cannot Be Blamed, Faultless; One who is Guilt Free
Aninesa: The one filled with elixir of name
Aniq: They are the one who is attractive, graceful and friendly
Anir: Name of Arthur's son, born with bravery
Anirab: An eternal flame
Aniran: An eternal and everlasting flame
Anirban: A Light which Never Extinguishes, Eternal Light; Ever Glowing Light
Anirbana: An everlasting flame
Anirjita: A brave, strong, priceless, unconquered and the enlightened one
Aniruddh: Uncontrolled, Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
Aniruddha: Uncontrolled, Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
Aniruddhan: Courageous, one who is brave and has no obstacles
Anirudh: Uncontrolled, Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
Anirudha: Uncontrolled, Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
Anirudhh: The one who cannot be stopped and also name of Lord Vishnu
Anirudhha: Uncontrolled, Unrestrained; Without Obstacles; Name of Grandson of Lord Krishna
Anirudhya: They are unobstructed and another name of Lord Krishna
Anirva: Immortal one
Anirvan: Undying, Eternal Spirit; One who never gives up
Anirvana: The one who shines like a diamond and is song of the soul
Anirved: Absence of Dejection, Self Reliant; Full of Courage
Anirvesh: The devoted one, loving, loyal and idealistic teachers
Anirvina: The one who shines like a diamond, not weary and is song of the soul
Anirvinya: One of the many names of God Vishnu
Anirwin: One who doesn't becomes sad, refined and studious
Anis: The one who is a compannion for life and trustworthy
Anish: Supreme, Ultimate; Greatest Authority; One of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu's names
Anishk: One who has No Enemy, Supreme Being
Anishreddy: They are authoritative leaders which is also the name of Lord Shiva and Vishnu
Anisvara: The one who is the leader of all and is superior
Anit: Unending Joy, Infinite Happiness
Anitabha: He is the one who is master of a charming personality
Anitej: Immeasurable, Infinite; Vast; Endless
Aniteja: Immeasurable Splendour, Infinitely Magnificient; Endless Glory
Anitelu: Anitelu is the Tongan form of Andrew and means 'manly'.
Anitya: He is perishable and full of glory
Aniustans: They are self satisfied and a warrior at heart
Aniv: One of the names of Lord Muruga
Anivardh: One of the names of Lord Vishnu
Anivartin: One who is brave, bright and another name of Lord Vishnu
Anivesh: A protective, fair healer, loyal and responsible people
Aniveshak: A seeker with innate abilities and broad visions
Aniveshan: A seeker with innate abilities and broad visions
Anjaan: Stranger, Unknown;
Anjaiah: Another name of Lord Hanuman
Anjal: Greek - Heavenly Messenger, A variant of name Angel
Anjalika: One of Arjuna's Arrows
Anjaljeet: The one who unifies and always wins
Anjam: A conclusion, they are stars
Anjami: The glorious one who is bright and nightless
Anjan: Collyrium, kajal
Anjana: The dusky one, Also the name of Lord Hanuman's mother
Anjandeep: A lamp which is bright and shares peace
Anjaney: One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
Anjaneya: One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
Anjaneyan: He is blessed with the power of righteousness of faithful spirit
Anjanikumar: One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
Anjanjot: They are eternal strange light of heaven
Anjanpreet: They are eternal strange love sent from heaven
Anjappan: Courageous and Strong, One of many names of Lord Hanuman
Anjas: Forthright, Straight Forward; Outspoken;
Anjasa: The one who is pure, deceitless and a perfect friend
Anjay: Unbeatable, Unconquerable; Invincible; Unattainable
Anjelo: Anjelo is Tongan form of Angelo and means angel.
Anjesh: One of many names of Hanuman in reference to him being son of Anjana
Anjish: Sweet, Pleasant; Lovely; Nice
Anjisnu: The one who always shines and removes darkness
Anjistha: Another name Sun, they are bright, brilliant and and smart
Anjor: Bright, Radiant; Luminant; Cheerful; Joyful
Anjul: The basis of life, the most vital requirement of life, One who Stays in the Heart
Anjum: They are bright and have everlasting light like those of stars
Anjum pl. of najm: They are bright and have eternal light like those of stars
Anjuman: Place of Gathering, Commitee; Council;
Ank: The one who is an Eagle man, nightless and are strong, brave individuals
Ankal: Whole, One who has No Illness; Complete; Thorough
Ankan: Marking
Ankati: Fire, a person filled with passion
Anker: A manly harvester who is strong and very brave
Ankesh: King of Numbers
Ankira: Loser, Follower
Ankit: The choosen One, Intelligent; Talented; Naughty
Ankith: They are a mark of auspiciousness
Ankolita: They are the loved and accepted ones who are embraced by God
Ankoma: A name used for the last born child.
Ankshit: Permanent, A variation of name Akshit
Ankuj: An exotic name who is a conqueror and a warrior at heart
Ankur: Flower, Blossom; Sprout; New Life; Spring
Ankura: Flower, Blossom; Sprout; New Life; Spring
Ankush: Restraint, Self Controlled; Self disciplined
Anlaf: The one who is flexible and ancestors
Anmar: A fierce Leopard
Anmay: Invaluable, Priceless; Precious; One who is very valuable
Anmohan: The masters of majestic personalities
Anmol: A priceless person who is invaluable
Anmola: Invaluable, Priceless; Precious; One who is very valuable
Anmoldeep: A priceless person who is invaluable and has eternal light
Anmolmeet: They are priceless friend and valuable individuals
Anmolnivas: They are priceless and valuable abode
Anmolpreet: They are the ones who are priceless and eternal love
Anmolratan: A priceless gem
Ann: A merciful, gracious King who is also a fierce warrior
Anna: Name of a King, Food; Grain; Earth and Water; God
Annabhuj: Grain eater
Annada: The one who is a half brother of Lordd Buddha, the peaceful and blissful one
Annadasan: They are masters of knowledge and know- all
Annadasankar: Another name of Lord Shiva, the almighty who is Lord of the universe
Annadashankar: One who is provider of Food, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Annadeva: Lord Shiva, provider of food
Annadurai: A modern name for a leader
Annaeg: Grace or favour
Annamalai: Knowledgeable, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Annamaya: They are handsome and well mannered
Annan: Celtic - From the Brook, Arabic - Slow Actor, Sluggish (not used due to negative meaning)
Annanambi: They are strong defender of mankind, fearless and limitless
Annanias: They are personal cloud of the God
Annanisa: They are filled with grace and originate from stream
Annapati: The provider of food
Annar: Father of the world.
Annasami: The philosophical and spiritual kind
Annavaran: Without Fear, Godsent Gift; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Annavi: The infinite power, they are immortal and amazing; A sensitive, detailed and passionate person
Annibale: A form of Hannibal
Anniru: A dual natured, desirable and like a tall mountain
Anniruddha: Unobstructed, Ungovernable; Unrestrained; Boundless
Anno: German - Eagle Ruler, A variant of name Arnold
Annson: Son of God
Annu: Atom, Smallest source for existence;
Annuabhuj: One of many names of Lord Shiva representing him as source for everything
Annunziato: An announcement made to a gathering
Annunzio: An announcement, statement
Annuziata: An announcement, report
Ano: An awe-struck human who is chaste
Anogopta: A well known person who has dark eyes
Anoj: A younger brother who is very charming
Anokh: Extraordinary, Wondrous; Unique; Splendrous; Amazing
Anokha: Rare, Unique; Extraordinary; Wondrous; Amazing
Anokhjeet: A unique man who always wins