We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 17 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Sukhbataar: Hero of the axe, axe hero
Sukhbir: One who is a warrior of peace
Sukhbirpal: One who protects the warrior of the peace
Sukhchain: A peaceful person of calm nature
Sukhcharan: He who is very peaceful
Sukhcharanjit: A peaceful victory
Sukhdarshan: A happiness that can be seen
Sukhdev: God of happiness
Sukhesh: Lord of happiness
Sukhinder: He who is a giver of happiness
Sukhindir: He who is the God of the peace
Sukhjeet: One who remains in peace
Sukhjeev: A person who has a very peaceful nature
Sukhjinder: He who gives and spreads happiness
Sukhjit: A victory of happiness and peace
Sukhjiwan: To lead a happy life
Sukhjodh: One who is a Lord of happiness and a warrior of peace
Sukhmeet: A friend who brings peace
Sukhnam: The bliss that the naam brings
Sukhpal: To achieve victory
Sukhpreet: A person who highly values inner peace and joy
Sukhraj: One who is of very peaceful temper
Sukhram: The peace prevades in him
Sukhroop: He who is a true embodiment of peace
Sukhshant: A man who is blissful and peaceful
Sukhsharan: He who finds peace by finding shelter in God
Sukhveer: He is a soldier of peace
Sukhvinder: A person who gives happiness to others
Sukhwant: Full of happiness, pleasant
Sukhwinder: One who brings the destiny
Sukrant: Extremely beautiful
Šukrija: He who is grateful to God.
Sukrit: Wise
Sukru: Grateful
Sukumar: Tender
Sukumara: Very tender, very delicate
Sukumaran: A variation of the name sukumaran
Sulabh: Easy to get
Sulaimaan: A name of a great Prophet
Sulaiman: A prophet's name, solomon
Sulakhan: He who is veru virtuous
Sulalit: Graceful
Sulaym: A man who is safe, sound and unhurt
Sulayman: A prophet's name, solomon
Sulayt: One with a dominant and strong personality
Suleiman: Peace
Sulejman: Variant of Solomon, meaning peace.
Sulek: Sun
Suleman: One who is secure, safe
Suleyman: He who is man of pece
Sulio: A charming and graceful man.
Suljo: Peace
Sullen: One who is bad tempered or sulky.
Sullivan: Having dark eyes
Sulo: He of grace and charm
Suloch: Beautiful eyes
Sulochan: One with beautiful eyes
Sulochna: Beautiful eyes
Sultaan: The who is ruler and king of people
Sultan: He is a King, a Sultan. He rules others
Sulung: First or eldest.
Sulwyn: One fair as the Sun
Sumadhur: Very sweet
Suman: Flower
Sumangal: Very auspicious
Sumanjit: One who wins the God's power
Sumant: Friendly
Sumantu: Atharva veda was assigned to him
Sumanyu: Heaven
Sumarliði: Summer-farer
Sumat: One who is wise and has a big intellect
Sumathi: A person of good mind
Sumatikumar: Sumatikumar is a variation of Sumatinath. Sumatinath is the name of 5th Tirthankara.
Sumatinath: Lord of wisdom
Sumay: Wise
Sumed: Wise
Sumedh: Clever
Sumeer: He is the Lord of all wisom
Sumeet: A form or refering to a Summit
Sumer: Gold mountain, born in the summer month.
Sumernor: He is the one who summons people
Sumertun: One who comes from the summer estate
Sumeru: Lord shiva
Sumesh: He is the flower Lord
Sumiati: One who has positive thoughts
Sumiran: He who does things in teh remembrance of God
Sumit: Well measured
Sumitr: Good friend
Sumitranandan: Son of sumitra (lackshman and shatrughna)
Summan: A man with a good mind
Summir: One who is on the top
Summit: He is on the top of things
Summor: He is born in summer
Summyr: A person of the summer
Sumner: A man who summons
Sumood: A man of great composure, determination and perserverance
Sumukh: Lord shiva
Sun: One who is like a Sun
Sunam: Good name, fame
Sunand: Pleasant
Sunandan: Happy
Sunar: Happy
Sunashi: Lord indra
Sunay: Wise
Sunchit: Beautiful
Sunda: A man of very tender nature
Sundar: Beautiful
Sundara: He a breathtakingly beautiful man
Sundarjeet: One who posesses great beauty
Sundarveer: He who is brave and beautiful at the same time
Sunday: A day of rest. Sunday
Sundeep: Sundip
Sunder: Handome
Sundown: The time of the day when the sun sets behind the horizon
Sundus: He who is like the fine silk brocade
Suneel: Dark blue or sapphire
Suneet: Lord shiva, righteous
Sunil: Dark blue
Sunirmal: Pure
Sunit: He who is a prudent man with good principles
Sunjeev: Making alive
Sunjit: An invincible man
Sunkanmi: A Yoruba word meaning draw close to me.
Sunmoluwa: One who is moving closer towards God.
Sunny: Nice weather when the sun shines
Sunqur: To be like the sun
Sunset: The time of the day when the sun sets
Suoud: Good luck
Supal: Precious time, the importance of time.
Suparn: Lord vishnu
Suparshwa: A 7th teerthankar's name
Supash: Lord ganesh
Suprabhaat: Good morning
Suprakash: Manifested
Suprasanna: Ever cheerful and beaming, goddess lakshmi
Supratik: Lord shiva
Supratika: A man who is very handsome
Supratim: Excellent
Supratit: A well demontrated man
Supreet: One who is beloved and adored
Suprit: Loving
Sur: A musical note
Suradhish: Lord indra
Suradip: Lord indra
Surafeal: He who enjoys surfing
Suragan: Lord shiva
Surahbil: A creative, brave and courageous person
Suraj: He who is a good King
Surajit: God
Surajiv: Lord vishnu
Surajprakash: He is the light of the Sun
Suram: Beautiful
Suran: Pleasant sound
Suranga: A divine person
Suranjan: Pleasing
Suraqah: A Prophet's companion's name
Surarihan: Lord shiva
Suras: Juicy
Surat: One whose consciousness has awakened
Surath: A person whose consciousness is awakened
Surbhup: Lord vishnu
Surdaas: Servant of musical tunes
Surdeep: Lamp of music
Suren: Lord indra
Surendra: Lord indra
Suresh: Sun
Sureshwar: Lord of the gods
Surinderjeet: He who defeted the Gods
Surinderjit: He who achieved victory over the Gods
Surinderpal: The God of the Gods
Surjeet: Conqueror of the suras
Surjit: He who is immortal and God-like
Surjot: The war between Gods
Surnath: Lord indra, lord of suras
Suroor: A feeling of joy and exhiliration
Surraq: He who steals. A thief
Surroje: A place name. One who is from an Albanian village Surroj
Surshri: Another Lord Shiva's name
Surup: Lord shiva
Surur: A man who is filled with joyous, happy feelings
Surush: Shining
Surya: Sun
Suryaansh: He who is a part of the Sun
Suryabhan: The sun
Suryadev: Sun god
Suryakant: Loved by the sun
Suryansh: A man who is a part of the Sun
Suryanshu: Sunbeam
Suryaprakash: Sunlight
Suryashankar: Lord shiva
Suryesh: Sun is god
Susadh: Lord shiva
Susana: Lily
Susarma: A supporter, name of a mighty ruler
Susen: Lord vishnu
Sushant: Quiet
Sushanta: Quiet or silence, a man who prefers to be quiet.
Susheel: A good natured and well behaved man.
Sushen: Sun of vasudeva
Sushena: A name of one of the kauravas