We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 14 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ajeetwant: Invincible and Mighty
Ajendar: The Creator, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ajendra: King of Mountains, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ajendranath: Powerful Creator, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ajer: Reward, prize, incentive
Ajey: One who is invincible, unconquerable and successful
Ajeya: One who Cannot Be Conquered, Always Victorious; Invincible
Ajiad: One who is noble, generous and gracious.
Ajib: amazing, wondrous
Ajigarta: One who has Nothing to Swallow
Ajij: Variant of Aziz, powerful, respected, beloved
Ajilesh: A male Telugu name with uncertain meaning
Ajim: Zeal, Fire, Heat
Ajina: skin of a wild animal', which means fur.
Ajinder: Derived from Rajender means "mighty king" or "Indra the king."
Ajinderpal: Invincible Fosterer
Ajinka: One who Cannot Be Conquered, Always Victorious; Invincible
Ajinkya: One who Cannot Be Conquered, Always Victorious; Invincible
Ajinth: A Tamil name fit for Boys
Ajira: not slow, which means quick, rapid. Ajira was another name for Durga.
Ajisa: Lord of Goats, Lord Shiva
Ajish: not defeated by anyone
Ajisth: Very Intelligent, Brilliant; Bright; Sharp; Smart
Ajit: invincible or, literally, he who has not been conquered
Ajitaabh: Victorious, One who has Conquered the Sky;
Ajitaabha: Invincible Light, Eternal Flame; One which cannot be put off; God's Light
Ajitabh: One who has Conquered the Sky, One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Invincible
Ajitabha: Vishnu, one who has conquered the skies
Ajitapala: Protector of the Invincible
Ajitatman: One whose Soul Never be Conquered, Pious; Pure
Ajitav: Showing path
Ajitesh: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Ajitesha: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Ajith: Victorious, Invincible; Unconquerable; One who cannot be defeated by anyone
Ajitha: A Winner always, Victorious; Invincible; Unconquerable; One who cannot be defeated by anyone
Ajitkumaar: Hero
Ajitkumar: One who is cannot be Conquered or Defeated, Invincible; Always Victorious
Ajitpal: One who is Invincible or Unconquerable, Victorious; one who can never be defeated
Ajitya: One who is Invincible or Unconquerable, Victorious; one who can never be defeated
Ajivash: A name fit for Boys of Hindu origin
Ajkhyat: Famous, Popular; Well Known;
Ajlah: Bald or hairless. It's the name of a narrator of Hadith.
Ajmal: The total, More beautiful,
Ajmala: Completely Beautiful
Ajmani: A male name given to Hindu people
Ajmer: Name of a City
Ajmere: A city in central Rajasthan, India
Ajmil: A Mythological King, Unique; Someone who is one of kind and has no other equivalent; A variant name is Ajamil
Ajminder: Presence of the god of heaven
Ajnat: Cheek
Ajneesh: Sunshine, A source of Cheer or Happiness; one who is radiant like sunshine
Ajneya: Unknowable, something which cannot be explored; Undiscoverable
Ajnur: Moonlight, glow of the oon.
Ajodara: A goat bellied person
Ajoy: Joyful, delightful; one who is always glad and happy
Ajubah: miracle, until we do not master the art (of anything), that remains a wonder
Ajurrum: shining dawn
Ajwa: Name of a date in Saudia Arabia Tree planted by Holy Prohpet PBUH
Ajwad: Better, Best
Ajwed: Heaven Stone
Ajyapa: Drinking clraified butter
Ajzal: Of Great Intellect
Akaal: Immortal, Undying
Akaar: Shape
Akaas: As Vast as Sky
Akaash: Sky
Akachi: Ibgo African: The hand of God
Akachukwu: The hand of God.
Akahata: Supreme
Akaitab: not deceitful, Frank
Akaki: Georgian form of Akakios, meaning innocent
Akakios: Akakios is derived from a Greek word meaning innocent or not evil.
Akalank: Without Any Flaws, one who is flawless and pure; Unblemished person
Akalanka: Pale
Akalapathi: Meaning Lord Shiva and it is the name of flexibility and intellect to male child
Akalbir: God's Immortal Warrior, Eternal Fighter and Protector of God
Akalcheet: One absorbed in Eternal with conversational with ability to inspire and motivate others
Akalchet: One remembering and always trusting God
Akalchetan: Aware of Eternal Love
Akaldeep: God's Lamp, Eternal Lamp; Ever Glowing lamp of God
Akaldharam: Religion of eternal truth with capability in judging, analyzing and discriminating
Akaldhian: Absorbed in Eternal one. One living and working with God
Akalendra: Lord Shiva. A potential worker destined to express wonderful organizational skill.
Akalesvara: Lord Shiva. It means strength gained through experience, success after test and trials
Akaljog: Union with timeless and Eternal
Akaljot: The Eternal Light, God's Light ; Ever Glowing light of God
Akalkeerat: One who praises the timeless and omnipotent powers of God through his songs, Eternal praises of God
Akalmasa: Sinless or pure
Akalmash: Stainless. Having bubbling spontaneous nature and happy-go-lucky outlook that helps smooth the pathway of life
Akalmeet: Timeless and Eternal friend. Also simply means friend of God
Akalmesh: Eternally Pure, Sinless, Unblemished, Flawless,
Akalnivas: One Dwelling in the Eternal Realm
Akalpa: Ornament, Precious jewellery of God
Akalpreet: Love of God, One who loves God the dearmost forever; Eternal Love for God
Akalprem: Love of God
Akalrang: Imbued in the Elixir of God. One who is inspirational and have ability to lead by his own example
Akalras: Elixir of God's Love
Akalratan: Loving Gem of God
Akalroop: Of Eternal Beauty, Unblemished Beauty;
Akalsharan: One who takes shelter in God for ever
Akalsimar: One who remembers the God for ever, Eternal thoughts about God
Akalsukh: Forever in Peace and Delight, Eternally Happy and Cheerful
Akaltat: The Eternal Reality
Akalusa: Unblemished with natural interest to help others.
Akalush: Eternal Purity, Pure
Akalvir: One who conquers peace
Akam: Kurdish word for result
Akama: Meaning chaste, virtuous
Akampana: Unshaken, Calm. One who is a master builder with ability for great accomplishment
Akampit: One who has No Fear, Brave;
Akampita: Unshaken, Calm with great achievement and completion ability
Akamu: Of the Red Earth
Akand: Calm, Serenity; Tranquil; Quite
Akanda: Easygoing Gentleman
Akando: Ambush, has power and wealth
Akanistha: Not Young, Elder or Superior
Akanksh: Desire, wish. One who is capable of being a mediator with good friendship ability
Akansh: Whole, Entire; one who is complete; one who cannot he harmed or injured
Akantak: Thornless, free from pain or problem
Akantaka: Free from thorns, Troubles and Enemies
Akapivata: Unshaken, Firm, Resolute
Akar: Shape, To Form, To Materialize, to evolve; to develop; A variant of name Aakar
Akara: Chief deity. One who love change and challenges, but take too many risks
Akaram: Most generous, Noblest
Akarim: Giving generous
Akarkkara: Handless
Akarsana: Attraction, Handsome, Charming
Akarsh: Attractive, As great as sky; all pervading; one who's charm cannot be avoided
Akarshak: Attractive, As great as sky; all pervading; one who's charm cannot be avoided
Akarshan: Attraction, Feeling Charmed; allurement; Fascination; being Enticed
Akarsita: Attracted, An Admirer of Beauty
Akarya: Leadership
Akaryanandana: Born to Conquer
Akaryatanaya: Knowledgeable person
Akas: High Like Sky , A derivative of name Akash
Akasa: Open air, Space
Âkasak: Poor little mite
Akash: Open Space, Sky
Akasha: Open Air, Space ; Sky; A derivative of name Akash
Akashadhar: Lord Visnu, Strength gained through experience
Akashaling: Lord Shiva as the element of Air, The Shivalinga at the temple in Chidambaram is considered as Lord Shiva in element of Air
Akashbir: Brave as the sky, Potential of being a philanthropist
Akashdeep: Beacon Light, Star in sky; Guiding light in the sky
Akashdveep: Light in the sky, Sky Light. Also, means a wend, born of fire, wonderer or a light candle
Akashdvip: Beacon Light, Star in sky; Guiding light in the sky; A variant of name Akashdeep
Akashpreet: Love for Sky
Akasmaath: A Boy name of Telugu origins with lost meaning
Akatha: Blisterious
Ákãtsiaĸ: Beautiful, precious uncle
Akay: Near a full moon or illuminating light of full moon, full moon.
Akbani: more common as last name or surname
Akbar: The greatest
Akbarkhan: A name of the Afghan Prince and a General
Ake: Old Norse - Representatives of Ancestors, A Derivative from name Aage
Akeel: Wise, Capable of creating idealistic and sensitive nature
Akeem: Arabic - Wise, Hebrew - Yahweh will establish; Established by Yahweh ; A derivative of name Hakim
Akela: Happy, Joy, feeling pleasure, contented, pleased.
Akendra: Name of God
Akeyla: Honest, responsible, morally upright, moral, trustworthy
Akfash: One who has weak eyes, there has been several men
Akhadanand: The God, one who bestows us with happiness
Akhan: Yogi, One who practises principled life
Akhand: Whole, Entire; one who is complete; one who cannot he harmed or injured
Akhanda: Nonstop, without part; whole or indestructible
Akhandanand: One who is fully Happy, God; Being completely Happy
Akhandpreet: Undivided love
Akhangal: Sword, weapon of war, warrior, fighter.
Akharee: From God's word
Akhas: A narrator of hadith
Akhash: Open air or space
Akhat: One and only
Akhdan: Best friend
Akhee: Off an eye, In a blink of an eye
Akhfash: There have several men of this name
Akhi: My Brother
Akhil: World, Whole Perfect Entire, Complete, All Encompassing, Ruler or king
Akhila: Complete, no in part
Akhilandeshwar: Lord of All, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhilarka: All pervading Radiance and Brilliance sun
Akhilash: Lord of All, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhilatman: Universal Soul of Brahman
Akhilbandhu: A Boy who is everyone's friend
Akhilbihari: The one who is all pervading, awe inspiring
Akhilbir: All Brave
Akhilendra: Lord of the Universe
Akhilesa: Lord of the Universe, all pervading god or King of all
Akhilesh: Lord of the Universe, Indestructible; Immortal; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhilesha: Lord and Master, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhileshwa: Lost meaning
Akhileshwar: Supreme Being, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhileswar: Supreme Being, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Akhilpal: All Nurturing God
Akhilpreet: All Loving God, Love for Everyone
Akhir: The name of God meaning The Last, Servant of the Last
Akhkaz: Fascinating, thrilling
Akhlaq: Good Disposition, temper, temperament, character, personality, mood
Akhmet: Kazakh form of Ahmad, meaning more commendable
Akhsam: A lion-like man with a broad whord
Akhtar: Arabic - Star, Good Man; Good Luck
Akhuga: Riding on Rat