We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 11 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Aengifu: The gift for the eye
Aengus: Celtic - One Choice, A variant of name Angus
Aenheri: The mother of Eleanor
Aenon: A spring or natural fountain
Aeolus: One who can be changed, God of winds
Aera: Lion, one who has strength and courage of Lion
Aergad: One who is strong in battle
Aeric: One who is an eternal ruler
Aerol: One who is of a Golden heart
Aeron: The tattle or war, a berry fruit
Aeronwen: The winner or victor of a battle
Aeronwy: The battle winner
Aeropos: Male form of the name Aerope.
Aerowyn: The victorious person from the battle
Aerthirn: From the royal Roman clan
Aesc: The ash tree or the tree of ash
Aescby: One who lives by the ash tree
Aescford: A water stream by the ash tree
Aeschild: The child from the ash tree
Aeschylus: Aeschylus originates from the Greek name Aischylos, which means shame.
Aesctun: The town by the ash tree
Aescwig: A fight or rumble near the ash tree
Aescwine: Spear Friend
Aescwyn: The winner or victor from the ash tree
Aesir: Of the Gods.
Aesoburne: One who is born near the ash tree
Aeson: The father of Jason
Aesop: One who is from the Greek
Aethel: A noble snake or one from the Aethelind
Aethelard: One who descends from the noble snake
Aethelbald: Noble and Bold, A King of Mercia
Aethelbeorht: The bright noble snake
Aethelbeorn: One who is born of a noble snake
Aethelberht: The bright and shining noble snake
Aethelbert: Bright Nobility
Aethelburh: The brightness or a noble snake
Aetheldred: A noble snake counsellor
Aethelfrid: The peaceful noble snake
Aethelfrith: Noble Peace
Aethelgar: The spear of a noble snake
Aethelgifu: A gift of the noble snake
Aethelgyth: The gift from the noble snake
Aethelhard: Noble Strength
Aethelheah: The high noble snake
Aethelhelm: A covering of the noble snake
Aethelhere: Name of a King
Aethelhild: The battle of the noble snake
Aethelhun: A gift from the noble snake
Aethelind: A noble snake
Aethelisdun: The fort of a noble snake
Aethelmod: The modesty of a noble snake
Aethelmund: The protection of a noble snake
Aethelnoth: The distress or the need of a noble snake
Aethelraed: the counsel of noble snake
Aethelred: The Noble snake counsel
Aethelric: The king of the noble snake
Aethelsige: The win or victory of noble snake
Aethelstan: Noble Stone
Aethelstun: The town of the noble snake
Aethelu: The kindness of a noble snake
Aethelulf: The gentleness of a noble snake
Aethelwald: The forest of the noble snake
Aethelwalh: A noble snake from the forest
Aethelwaru: The war of the noble snake
Aethelweah: The storm of noble snake
Aethelweard: The noble snake guard
Aethelwig: The fight of a noble snake
Aethelwin: The victory of the noble snake
Aethelwine: The friend of a noble snake
Aethelwold: The noble snake from the open upland
Aethelwulf: Noble Wolf
Aethelwyne: The companion or friend of the noble snake
Aetheston: The noble hills from the England
Aethilwald: The noble snake of the forest
Aethretun: One who lives at the town of spring
Aetius: An eagle, one with the eagle-like qualities
Aetla: The father, or the father of
Aetta: An estate ruler, one who owns an estate
Aettin: One who is from the estate
Aevar: Name of Ketil's son.
Afaaq: A collection of horizons, blessed
Afah: Tongan word for hurricane.
Afak: The horizon, a name from Quran
Afakhim: The greatest of all
Afam: One who is loyal to others
Afamefuna: My name will not be lost.
Afan: Growth and progress
Afaq: The horizons of the world
Afdal: Better than others, excellent
Afdhaal: One who excels, excellent or prominent
Afdhal: An excelling person and prominent person
Afe: A Boy who is born on Friday
Afeef: Chaste in Arabic, A variant of name Afif
Affan: A pious person, devoted to God, One who forgives
Affleck: A field of stone, a habitational name to someone who belongs to the field of stone.
Affonso: A person who is noble and ready
Affoyon: Clean, helpful and nonchalant person, welcome
Afham: One with loving nature, understanding
Afif: Chaste in Arabic, Modest
Afjal: Principal or chief, most excellent
Afkar: One who cares or thoughts
Afkhar: Magnificent, bravest or finest
Aflatun: A person who is mighty and powerful
Afnan: Arabic - Flower, Irish - Tree Branches with Leaves
Afolabi: Child of high status, Born rich and with luxury
Afon: A river, or a stream or water
Afonso: The ready and noble person
Afrad: Refers to single one of its kind.
Afram: A River In Ghana, Africa
Afran: Created
Afraz: The one who is keen to learn spiritual rules and regulations.
Afreda: The one who has created this whole planet.
Africa: Pleasant in Gaelic Origin, It also represents Sun (without cold)
Africanus: The one who comes from Africa.
Afridi: The name of one of the tribes or clans.
Afrin: The one who is worthy to be praised and blessed.
Afroze: Refers to educational or helpful.
Afsah: An eloquent man.
Afsan: Refers to romance or creative writing.
Afsar: A man in charge of an armed group.
Afshin: Name of an Iranian General, derived name from princely title of rulers of Osrusana
Afta: The meaning of Afta is "younger or later born". Friendly nature, easy going, practical, diplomatic, stubborn yet has a desire to please others.
Aftaab: Aftaab means "the sun". A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic
Aftab: Aftab means "the sun". A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic
Aftan: Suitable for both a girl and a Boy which means powerful, intellectual, poise, charming and attractive.
Aftar: A humble, confident, practical and hard working being with very high leadership qualities.
Afton: A name of a small Scottish river
Aftonio: The literal meaning of aftonio means one who does have any jealousy.
Afuom: On the field.
Afyah: It depicts one who is board minded, determined, outspoken, straightforward, strong will power and open minded.
Afzal: The Best in Arabic, Most Excellent;
Afzul: One who has strong leadership qualities, good communication skills which will be fruitful for any business venture.
Aga: Sword, symbol of military power, punitive justice, authority
Agadh: This name means mysterious or unfathomable. It is believed that Agadh is lucky in the field of trade and commerce and other business ventures.
Agadhbodh: It means to have unfathomable knowledge. One who is very wise and clever, smart and intelligent.
Agadhi: One who is undescribable, mysterious, mystifying, secretive and enigmatic
Agadhroop: One who is of unfathomable form. A charming mysterious person.
Agag: Roof, Upper Floor
Agam: Extending Far, Profound; Unimaginable; Intelligent; Pervasive; Intense
Agama: Sanskrit - Knowledge, Wisdom;
Agamadhi: One who is intelligent and knowledgable, victorious, seeks excellence, zeal to excel in everything and successful.
Agamani: A precious stone which is priceless, magnificient and unique. A one of a kind gemstone.
Agambir: A brave warrior who crosses every hurdle with great strength, compassion, patience and hard work
Agamemnon: A braveheart who can take up any work. One who is loyal, committed, devoted, dependable, reliable, trusthworthy and steady.
Agamik: First
Agamiya: Karma we do in this birth
Agamjeet: one who wins the God with his love and righteousness
Agamjit: The meaning of Agamjit is the victory of God or rather the trophy of God, the golden child, the most precious one chosen by God.
Agamjot: God's Light, beacon; Source of illumination
Agampal: A lucky name which will bring prosperity and fame as the name means God as protector which depicts blessings from the Almighty.
Agampreet: One who loves God the dearmost
Agamprem: One who is devoted, loyal, strong willed, hard working, committed, dependable, trustworthy, reliable and greatly believes and worships God.
Agamroop: A person who is a perfectionist, organised, well maintained, sophisticated, gentleman, zealous, hard working, easy going and dedicated to every work given to him.
Agan: A unisex name which means beautiful or handsome and intelligent. In other meanings it means pearl, a precious stone which is very expensive.
Aganee: One who can manifest himself to do things creatively and in a unique way.They are spontaneous and lively.
Aganit: Countless, God; The creator and ruler of the universe
Aganith: Countless, God; The creator and ruler of the universe; A Variant name of Aganit
Agantuk: One who is mysterious, incomprehensible, impenetrable, patient, calm and secretive.
Aganveer: God of Law, Sikh Origin
Aganya: Uncountable, Infinite; Born from Fire; one of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
Agapetos: Agapetos is the original form of Agapito. It means beloved.
Agapios: An uncommon masculine Greek name which means love. It was the name of one the Saints of Greece who is a martyr.
Agapito: One who is dearly loved, precious, adored, cared for, treasured, cherished and one's favourite.
Agara: House, dwelling place
Agarva: One who is free from pride, who is humble, generous, down to earth, sensible, realistic, pragmatic, commonsensible and logical.
Agas: Agas in Hebrew means the fruit pear. A pear signifies strength,power, longevity, nobility and fruitfulness.
Agasthya: The star of Canopus which is the 'cleanser of waters', One of many names of Lord Shiva; A name of great Sage
Agasti: Name of a Sage , A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
Agastya: Name of a Sage , A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
Agathian: Name of a Sage , A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
Agathiyan: Name of a Sage , A derivative from Agasthya which represents the star of Canopus
Agathon: A Greek name that means Good
Agavaha: A ram who wilds in the mountains and is ferocious, fierce, strong, protective, observant and strong minded.
Agavoli: An intelligent person who seeks excellence and excels in every field in life, brilliant
Agbarha: Born in Agbarha
Agdlaĸ: Old spelling of Allaq. It means brown bear.
Agdluaĸ: Hole in the ice for fishing
Agdlunâĸ: Lace, strap
Age: Old Norse - Representatives of Ancestors, Derivative of Aage
Agendra: King of Mountains, Refers to Himalayan Mountains
Aggustînuse: Greenlandic form of Augustinus. It means great.
Agha: A noble person who is honoured for his effieciency, intelligence and great positive leadership qualities.
Aghad: Vast, Deep; immersed; involved deeply; engrossing
Aghaghna: A devotee to God who is righteous, dutiful, commited, loyal, pious, spiritual, faithful and sincere.
Aghala: A girl with a pleasing personality
Aghama: The Moon
Aghamarshan: Destroyer of Sin, one who destroys all our sins
Agharid: A decent name for a baby Boy or girl which means the melodious musical songs of the birds.
Agharika: One who is zealous, courageous and a free spirit
Agharna: The Moon
Agharr: One who is very handsome, brave, noble, dedicated, committed, faithful, dependable, righteous and obedient in nature.
Aghat: Destroyer of Sin, one who destroys all our sins
Aghor: One of many names of Lord Shiva, represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
Aghora: Not Terrible, A derivative of name Aghor which represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
Aghoranath: One of many names of Lord Shiva, represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
Aghornath: One of many names of Lord Shiva, represents one of the five faces of Lord Shiva
Aghosh: Quiet, Soundless; Direction; Peace; Guidance; Tranquil
Agilan: A Tamil name that means one who Commands Everything,
Agilberht: Name of a Bishop
Agilbert: One who is responsible, dominating, persistent, compassionate, intelligent, hard working and zealous.