We have created a list of 3942 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter A. This is Page 7 out of 20 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Alaia: Joyful, Happy and sublime individual
Alaina: Fair one, Rock
Alainna: Handsome, harmony, Happy, Peace.
Alair: Cheerful, Merry
Alaka: Curl or lock
Alakananda: Young Girl
Alaknanda: A river in Himalyas
Alal: Kurdish word for red rose
Alalah: A Flower
Alamara: Adoring the world
Alamea: Precious whole, ripe and precious being
Alana: Peaceful serene like an awakening
Alane: Celtic - Fair, Little Rock; Harmony; Peace; A form of English name Alana
Alani: Celtic - Fair, Little Rock; Harmony; Peace; A form of English name Alana; Serene; Dear Child
Alanis: Celtic - Fair, Little Rock; Harmony; Peace; A form of English name Alana
Alankrita: Sense, Intelligence, Sagacity, Wisdom
Alanna: Form of Alana, filled with beauty and serenity
Alannah: Rock, Awakening
Alannis: From Atlanta, an attractive and beautiful being
Alansari: The supporters, the one who supports
Alanza: Noble estate, or one who is eager.
Alaqat: A deeply devoted girl
Alaqua: Native American - Sweet Gum Tree
Alara: Altaic - Mythological Aquatic Fairy, One who makes things beautiful; Water Fairy
Alarica: Noble monarch
Alarice: Noble Ruler who is the form of Alaric
Alary: One who rules the Elves
Alasie: She who is honest and noble.
Alaska: Great land, object towards which sea is directed
Alastr�ona: A woman who will defend the mankind
Alatea: Truth
Alathena: The noble Goddess of wisdom
Alaula: Light of early dawn, sunset glow, thinks about welfare of fellow men
Alaura: Bay tree, laurel, a generous and intelligent being
Alaw: Melodious river
Alaya: Arabic - High Status, Exalted; Sublime; Superb; Extremely Beautiful;
Alayah: Ascender
Alayna: Fair one, a beautiful and dear individual
Alaynah: Little female bear: Wisdom and knowledge
Alayne: Rock
Alaysha: Great happiness, one who of noble kind
Alaysia: moon goddess
Alazra: A virginal woman
Alba: Sunrise
Albany: White, Fair
Albaqa: One who comes from the open valley
Albe: White Rock or a crag, stable and responsible
Albel: Different
Albena: A name created by Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov for his drama 'Albena'.
Alberga: Noble, white, an ambitious and independent being
Alberta: Noble and famous
Alberteen: Germanic - Nobly Famous, Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
Albertha: Noble and famous being who is bright
Alberthine: She who is born a noble and intelligent woman
Albertina: Germanic - Nobly Famous, Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
Albertine: Germanic - Nobly Famous, Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
Albertyna: Germanic - Nobly Famous, Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
Albertyne: Germanic - Nobly Famous, Noble; Kind; A variant transcription of Alberta; Feminine form of Albert
Albia: Nobility, Noble, Flag, Exalted, Defending men, Truthful
Albie: My heart, noble and famous, bright and brilliant being
Albina: White Skinned
Albiona: White
Albreda: Elf power, advice of an elf
Albree: Breeze, one who has soothing and exciting personality
Alburga: An elves fortress
Alcee: Famous Bearer and a strong willed alluring person
Alcie: Strong willed, a responsible and inspirational being
Alcina: A sorceress who rules over a magical, strongwilled
Alcyone: Calm, not anxious, one who is without anxiety
Aldabella: Beautiful individual who is old and prosperous
Aldana: A Basque place name, meaning side slope.
Alded: A variation of Adela, meaning a noble woman
Aldene: Old Friend, has intense desire for work
Aldercy: One who is like the chief
Aldet: A very noble dame
Aldeth: An aristocratic woman
Aldfrid: A Saxon female name
Aldgid: Cold, Chilly
Aldgyth: An old, ancient war
Aldiet: To take part in an old war
Aldieth: An old woman of the war
Aldietha: An elderly woman of the war
Aldina: Old friend who deserves best in life
Aldis: Old, Elder; from an old house
Aldith: Germanic - Old Battle, Pledge from God; A derivative of Aldith is Alditha.
Alditha: Old battle, one who is respected in battle
Aldiva: She is a woman of the old war
Aldiytha: A woman who took part in an old war
Aldona: Germanic - Noble, Honorable; Old; A variation of name Alda; It is feminine form of name Aldous
Aldonza: A girl who is sweet and nice towards others
Aldora: Old Greek - Winged Gift, Aldorah, Aldorra, and Aldorrah are variant forms of Aldora
Aldreda: Old
Aldus: Germanic - Old, Wise; Honorable; Noble; An old form of Aldous
Alduse: An old elderly woman
Aldyet: A woman from the old wars
Aldys: Germanic - Noble, Honorable; Old; A variation of name Aldo; A variant of Aldus
Aldyt: A battle maiden from the old wars
Alea: Exalted, High
Aleah: Sublime
Aleana: Immigrant to a New Home
Aleanor: bright, shining one
Aleaseya: Savior
Aleasha: Of noble kind
Aleceea: Noble, Kind
Alecia: of the noble sort
Alecta: Ceaseless
Alecto: unceasing in anger
Aleda: Small And Winged
Aleeah: Ascent
Aleece: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A derivative of Alice
Aleecia: Variant of Alice
Aleelia: My noble God is Yahweh
Aleema: Wise
Aleemah: Knowledgeable
Aleen: good-looking
Aleena: Fair
Aleesha: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Sanskrit - Protected by God; A variant of Alice; A variant spelling is Alisha
Aleethia: dignified
Aleeya: High Born
Aleeza: Happiness
Alegria: Joy
Aleid: Of a noble family
Aleida: Small winged one
Aleigha: Light
Aleina: A woman of light
Aleire: One who is a noble gift
Aleise: A variant of Elise, means God is my oath
Aleisha: Exalted
Alejandra: defender of mankind
Alejandrina: guard of man
Alejhandra: beautiful
Alejo: supporter
Aleka: defender of mankind
Alekhya: Picture
Aleki: man's advocate
Aleksandra: Old Greek - Defender of Men, Warrior; Protector of Men; A variant form of Alexandra
Aleksandrina: defender of mankind
Aleksej: Warrior
Aleksia: Old Greek - Defender, Germanic - Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; Brightness; A derivative of Alexia
Alela: A well lofty person
Alelia: A well spoken person, good speaker
Alena: Light
Alene: A fair and good-looking dame
Alenka: Old Greek - Bright One, Shining One; Hebrew - of Magdala; A variation of Alena
Aleny: One who brings light
Aleora: God is light
Aleria: Eagle
Alesana: American place name
Alesha: Defended by God, Protected by God; A variant spelling is Alicia
Aleshanee: She Always Plays
Aleshia: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A variant of Alicia
Alesia: Helper of mankind
Alesit: Arabic name for girls
Alessa: Noble One
Alessandra: Form Of Alexandra
Alessia: Greek - Defender, Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind; A form of Alexandra
Alesta: man's defender
Aleta: Truthful One
Aletha: Aletha is Truth
Alethea: Truthful One, Honest
Aletheia: Honesty,
Alethia: Truthful, Truthfulness
Aletia: Honest, candid, sincere
Aletta: Winged, Branches
Alette: Verity, truth, reality, actuality
Alette: Frisian form of Adelheid, meaning noble.
Aleu: He who keeps his word
Aleusa: Form of Alexis, means to help
Alev: Turkish - Flame, Brightness; Light
Alexa: Guardian Of Mankind
Alexana: Short form of Alexandra meaning a man's defender
Alexandr: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexandra: Shelter provider Of Mankind
Alexandre: Advocator Of The People
Alexandrea: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexandreina: A variant of Alexandra, meaning man's defender.
Alexandria: Defender Of Mankind
Alexandrina: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexandrine: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexandrya: defender of men
Alexangela: Combination name of Alexandra and Angela, meaning defending Angel
Alexea: Defender of men
Alexes: Provide help, assistance
Alexi: Warrior. Fighter, soldier
Alexia: Guardian Of Mankind
Alexie: Old Greek - Defender of Men, Germanic - Of a noble kind; A variant of Alice and Alexandra
Alexina: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexine: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind, Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
Alexis: Protector Of Mankind
Alexxia: Helper of mankind
Alexzandria: Sheltor provider to mankind
Aleya: Ascender
Aleyah: Exalted, high, glorious
Aleydis: Of Noble Kin
Aleyna: Awakening
Aleysia: of the noble sort
Aleza: Joy or daughter of Ali
Alezae: Gentle Trade Wind
Alezandrea: defender of men
Aleĸatsiaĸ: Beautiful, precious older sister of a boy