We have created a list of 3942 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter A. This is Page 8 out of 20 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Alfa: most important
Alfdis: Goddess, divine woman
Alfhild: Battle, fight, clash
Alfhilda: Supernatural Being
Alfi: E lf Power
Alfild: Old Norse - Elf, Supernatural Being; Battle; Magical Counsel
Alfilda: She who helps the elves
Alfina: Old Norse - Elf, Supernatural Being; Battle; Magical Counsel
Alflet: The noble one
Alfleta: elf beauty, fairytale beauty
Alfonsa: Teutonic - Eager for War, Enthusiastic; Noble Warrior; Female Version of Alfonso Noble
Alfonsia: Ready for Battle
Alfonsina: Noble, decent, splendid
Alfonsine: Ready for Battle
Alfre: Elf Power, supremacy
Alfreda: Elf Counsel, Elf Strength; Inspired Advice; Old Peace; Supernatural Magical Counsel; A form of Elfreda
Alfredah: Abundant Power
Alfredda: Plentiful Power
Alfri: Elf authority
Alfrida: Elf Counsel, Elf Strength; Inspired Advice; Old Peace; Supernatural Magical Counsel; A form of Alfreda
Alfried: Elf supremacy
Alfrun: alfrun
Alfryda: Powerfulness
Álfsól: Elf sun or elf hall.
Alga: Elf Spear, A variant of the name Algar
Algeria: The one who fills the life with happiness.
Alghabra: Earth, Land
Algyva: She who is holy
Alhburg: Alder hill
Alheli: wallflower
Alhena: A Ring, a circle, a band
Alhflaed: One who is as beautiful as an elf
Alhflead: Elf's beauty
Alhraed: Divine Counselor
Alia: Noble, splendid, decent
Aliah: Ascend, rise, climb
Aliana: Slavic - Bright, Beautiful; Hebrew - Brightness; Ornament; A variant of the name Alina
Aliandra: Female form of Greek Andreas meaning men
Aliane: ,Noble & Gracious
Alianna: Beautiful
Aliannah: My lord has answered
Alianor: A light or a torch
Alianora: Pity, Variant of Eleonora; From the Old French form of the Occitan name Alienor
Alianore: A bright light
Alibeth: Consecration, dedication
Alica: Noble, decent, polite
Alicah: Noble, Kind, Honest
Alice: Truth, gracious, reality
Alicea: Dignified, Humble
Alicen: Decent, modest
Alicenne: A son of Alice
Alicia: Of Noble Birth
Aliciana: A noble woman
Alicja: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A derivative of Alice
Alid: A noble battle
Alida: She who is noble
Alidee: Righteous, honorable, honest
Alie: Honorable, Kind, Humble
Aliena: Foreign, sun ray
Alienor: God is my light
Alienora: One who shines brightly
Alienore: A bright light
Aliette: Splendid, fabulous
Alieva: English name for girls
Alifa: Show Affection, Meek, warmth
Alifiya: One in Millions
Alihat: Goddess
Alika: Truthful, candid, honest
Alikae: Hawaiian - Protector, A Hawaiian form of Alex; It has a meaning as most beautiful also; Combination of Alice and Kay
Alikah: Decent, fine, Kindnature
Aliki: She who is honest
Alilia: A resolute protector
Alima: Arabic - Learned, Wise; Cultured; Intelligent; Educated and Intellectual
Alimah: Woman of Learning
Alimaia: Princess
Alina: Beautiful, Bright
Alinda: Noble Shield, Balcony
Aline: Noble, Nobility; Light; Lovely; Variant of Helen; Derived from the old German word Athal meaning Noble
Alinnah: Noble, good, decent
Alinya: bright and beautiful
Aliosha: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A form of the name Adelaide
Alipha: A term meaning thousand in Brazilian language.
Alique: Most beautiful, Amazing beauty
Alira: A daughter
Alis: Dignified, Kind
Alisa: Rational, balanced, coherent
Alisabeth: Truth, Devoted to God; A variant form of the name Elizabeth which means God is satisfaction
Alisah: Great Happiness, Huge delight
Alisande: Defender of Humanity
Alisanne: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A variant of Alice; A variant of Alison
Alisceon: She who is noble and kind
Alise: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A derivative of Alice
Alish: Of A Noble Kin
Alisha: Protected by God.
Alishay: One of a noble kind
Alishba: Pretty, attractive, beautiful, cute
Alisheba: beautiful sunshine
Alishia: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Sanskrit - Protected by God; A variant of Alice; A variant spelling is Aleesha
Alisia: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Sanskrit - Protected by God; A variant of Alice; A variant form of Alisha
Aliska: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Sanskrit - Protected by God; A variant of Alice; A variant form of Alisha
Alison: Of Noble Birth
Alisone: She who is noble
Alisoun: High moral principles qualities, Kind
Alissa: Truth, Noble
Alissandre: Defender of Mankind
Alissandrine: Noble, Decent, Honorable
Alisse: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; A variant of Alice;
Alissia: righteous, Kind, good, worthy
Alisun: Gentle, kind, moderate
Alisz: Noble, sensible, modest
Alita: Germanic - Of a noble kind, Latin - Little Winged Girl; Germanic - Noble; Honorable; A variant transcription of Adela
Alith: A noble sort
Alithea: Greek Goddess of Truth
Alitheea: Noble, aristocrat, Kind
Alitheia: Truth, fact, reality,
Alitia: Noble, worth, moral ethical, Kind
Alitza: Joy
Aliua: A supreme woman
Aliva: Olive Tree
Aliveni: Golden Doll
Alivia: Alivia is Olive Tree
Alix: of dignified kind
Alixana: Merciful, kind hearted, sympathetic
Aliya: Protector, defender, guardian
Aliyah: highest social standing
Aliye: High-born
Aliyya: Royal, Imperial, Majestic
Aliyyah: Lofty, suprior
Aliz: Happy, pleased, joyful
Aliza: Joyful, blissful, pleasent
Alizabeth: pledged to God
Alizandra: Defending men
Alize: Germanic - Of the noble kind, Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Joyful; A variant of Alice
Alizon: old form of Alison
Alka: Juvenile, young, youthful
Alkhayzuran: Arabic name for girls
Alla: Germanic - Of a noble Kind, Old Greek - Defender of Men; A derivative of Alice
Allaire: A variant form of the name Alair
Allami: Very Wise, Intelligent, Intellectual
Allana: Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony; Peace; A variant form of the name Alana which means precious, serene; Fair Maiden or Beautiful Maiden
Allanagh: A variant form of name Alana which means precious, serene, Fair Maiden; Beautiful Maiden
Allanna: Serenity, Calmness, tranquility
Allar: Alder tree
Allaryce: Germanic - Noble Ruler, Ruler of all; A variant transcription of the name Alarica
Allayna: A feminine form of the name Alain
Allcen: Sympathetic, concerned, caring
Allcenne: Decent, fine, Kind
Allearia: English name for girls
Allecia: Noblity, Kind
Alleece: Decent, civilized, respectable
Allegra: Joy, delight, joyfulness
Allegria: Happiness, pleasure, cheerfulness
Allegro: Brisk, sprightly, has a great sense of humour
Alleigh: Old English lÄ"ah (wood, clearing, meadow), lee has the meaning "dweller by the wood or clearing"
Alleluia: Greek form of Hallelujah, a Hebrew word meaning 'praise God'. In Christianityity it's considered a joyful word of praise to God.
Allene: Attractive, Peaceful
Alles: Noble, Kind
Allese: Smart and no-nonsense, one who gets the job done. Variation of English name Alison
Alless: Noble, Kind
Alleta: She who has wings
Allexis: Defender, protector, guardian
Alley: Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony; Peace; A variant form of the name Alana which means precious, serene; Fair Maiden or Beautiful Maiden
Alleyah: Leader, head, Person incharge
Allfie: Elf Power, Fairy power
Allfreda: Elf Power, Goblin power
Allfredah: Elf Power
Allfredda: A small, often mischievous creature considered to have magical powers
Allfrie: A lively, mischievous child
Allfrieda: A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person
Allfry: Good counselor, From the Old English name Aelfthryth
Allfryda: a feminine form of Alfred, meaning sage, or wise
Allfy: elf counsel, elf advocate
Alli: Long-tailed Duck, Noble; Nobility; Feminine of Alexander; Defender of Mankind; Diamond
Allice: Noble, Kind
Allicea: Noble,exalted
Allicen: Dignified, Kind
Allicenne: Gracious, Kind
Allie: Of Noble Birth
Allihmyir: Princes
Alline: Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony; Peace; Lovely; Germanic - Of a noble kind; A variant of Alana and Aline
Allira: Allira means "Quarts crystal" in Aboriginal languages from around Melbourne Victoria, the Aboriginals would fashion this quarts crystal into arrow heads. Allira means "Neice" in Aboriginal languages from around Alice Springs.
Allirea: Quartz
Alliree: Cane from the name Alice Marie
Allis: Nobility, Noble Kind; Exalted
Allisann: Noble, decent
Allisanne: Noble, Kind
Allison: Of Noble Birth
Allissa: Derived from the Alyssum flower. Allissa a(l)-lissa, all(is)-sa is a variant of Alice (Old German), Alisa (Hebrew), Alyssa (Greek) and Elissa (Greek), and the meaning of Allissa is "noble, exalted, great happiness; rational; from the blessed isles".
Allisun: Noble, Kind
Allisunne: Variant of Alice Noble,exalted
Allisyn: She who is noble and honorable
Allix: Defender of Mankind, Female Version of Alexander
Alliya: going up, ascending
Allmeera: Aristocratic Lady
Allmera: Aristocratic Lady
Allmeria: Upper class lady Lady
Allmira: From Almeira
Allonia: Oak tree
Allorah: In Hebrew it means "God of Light". In Italian it is a word that means the speaker is pensive Another idea for the meaning is "he'll sing out".