We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 18 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Susher: Kind
Sushil: Good characted man
Sushim: Moon stone
Sushobhan: Very beautiful
Sushri: A person who behaves well and has s sober mind
Sushrut: Of good reputation
Susie: Lily
Susitino: Susitino is a form of Justin. It means just or righteous.
Susmit: A Boy with a nice, warm and pleasant smile
Susu: A very slight sound. A quiet person
Sutantar: A man of good character
Sutantu: Lord shiva, lord vishnu
Sutapa: Seeker of God
Sutara: Holy star
Sutcliff: A man who comes from the cliff on the south
Sutclyf: To be from the south cliff
Sutej: Lustre
Sutherland: The Southern land.
Suthfeld: A man from the south fields
Suthley: The one from the South meadow
Sutho: A southerner. He who comes from the south
Sutirth: Lord shiva
Sutosh: One whi becomes easily
Sutoya: A river
Sutra: Sanskrit word for a string or a thread
Suttecliff: A man from the south cliff
Sutton: Southern town
Suud: One who is blessed with the best luck
Suvabrata: One who gave an auspicious vow
Suvan: The sun
Suvankar: A person who tends to do good to others
Suvansu: Fragrance, a sweet fragrance.
Suvarn: Lord shiva
Suvas: Lord shiva
Suvel: Placid
Suvesh: A who is extremely handsome and good looking.
Suvidh: Kind
Suvik: One with a speedy health
Suvimal: Pure
Suvir: Lord shiva
Suvo: An auspicious person
Suvrat: One who is strict in religious vows. It's also the name of a Jain god.
Suvrata: Strict in religious vows
Suwayd: One who is dark, who is black
Suyamun: Lord vishnu
Suyash: Illustrious
Suyashas: Glorious fame
Suyati: Lord vishnu
Suzu: A man who lives long
Suzuki: A common surname in Japan, means bell of wood
Svamin: Lord vishnu
Svaminath: Lord ganesh
Svang: Good looks
Svanik: Handsome
Svante: Celebrating people
Svar: Lord vishnu
Svaraj: Lord indra
Svaramaya: He who is good looking
Svarg: Heaven
Svarna: Lord ganesh
Svarpati: Lord of sound
Svarthöfði: Black head.
Svartur: The color black
Svayambhu: Lord brahma, vishnu, shiva
Svayambhut: Lord shiva
Svein: One who is young in age and spirit
Sveinn: A Boy or a lad, one who is young
Sven: One who is a Boy, a chap
Svend: A young man, a lad
Sverre: To spin and swing wildly
Svetopolk: Blessed people
Svetoslav: Blessed glory
Svojas: He who is very strong and powerful
Svyatopolk: Celebrating people
Swab: One who is true and does the right things
Swabhiram: He who is very delightful
Swabhu: Self born
Swadhin: Independent and free
Swagat: Welcome
Swain: Herdsman, knights attendant
Swaine: A Boyish person, young in spirit
Swajith: Self-victory
Swale: One who comes from the wild river
Swaley: Winding stream
Swami: Lord
Swaminath: The Lord almighty
Swan: One who is like a swan
Swapan: Dream
Swapnadeep: The king of dreams, dreamer
Swapnesh: King of dreams
Swapnil: Seen in a dream, dreamy
Swaraj: Liberty or freedom
Swaran: One who has a golden heart
Swaranjeet: One who is a golden winner
Swaranlal: A dreamy person
Swarga: A heavenly person
Swarit: Towards heaven
Swarnapurishwara: Lord of the golden city
Swarnim: The golden shine
Swarup: Truth
Swastik: Auspicious
Swatantar: In means independent and free
Swatreband: One who has refined and deep nature
Swayam: Overall, somehting that covers everything
Swayambhu: Self-existent
Swayne: One who keeps swans. Used as a surname mostly
Swayze: An English surname that means "Swiss"
Sweeney: He who is a little hero
Swefred: A swift, fast man
Swen: A young man, lad
Sweppi: One who comes from Swepi's settlement. A surname
Swetaketu: An ancient sage
Swetank: A man of fair body
Sweteloue: A surname. Originaly a biptismal name of endearment meaning dear, sweet love
Swetelove: A surnname that means a sweet, dear love
Swethan: The one who has learnt all vedas
Sweyn: A lad, a chap, a young man
Swidhelm: An Anglo-Saxon name meaning a sweet man
Swift: One who is swift, fast
Swindel: Valley of the swine.
Swinton: One who comes from the swine farm
Swithun: One who is a strong cub
Swrang: A musical instrument
Swrnav: Golden
Sy: One who hears everything
Syamantak: A jewel of lord vishnu
Syamantaka: A man who destroys all dangers
Syaoran: He who is a little wolf
Sydnea: A person from a wide island
Sydney: Of the wide meadow
Syed: Fortunate
Sykes: A surname. He who comes from the stream, from the water-course
Sylar: One who is a hard-working man
Sylas: One who was asked for
Syler: He is a scholar and loves the knoledge
Sylvain: He who is a man of the forest
Sylvan: To be the man of the forest
Sylvanus: He who is from the woods
Sylvester: Man from the forest
Sylvestre: A person of the forest
Syman: A form of Simon, meaning listen.
Symeon: One who follows orders, an obidient one
Symington: The one from Simon's estate
Symon: He who hears
Symontun: One who comes from the estate of the one who listens
Synclair: One who is a clear sign
Syon: Gentle
Syrus: Throne or Lord
Sythe: One who is creative and independent, passionate person
Syum: A ray
Syun: A ray
Syver: One who defeted others, one who is a victor
Szczepan: He who wears a garland crown
Szebasztian: He who is an emperor
Szymon: A man who hears everything
Sæbjörn: Sea bear in Icelandic.